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There was a rumble of laughter before someone else spoke. “But wouldn’t a win this year only make nine?”

I glanced at Naomi and raised our clasped hands—her right and my left. “My third, left finger is already occupied by the most important ring I’ll ever wear. That makes ten.”

Even after all the years that Naomi and I had been together, the press still swooned over the love between us. So I wasn’t surprised to hear a few sighs, which made my wife giggle.

I fielded a few more questions, then ended the press conference. Lennox had sent me a text earlier, asking me to stop by after, so we headed up to his office. An hour later, I’d officially signed onto the Nighthawks’ coaching team.

When Naomi and I finally returned to our home, it was empty since all four of our kids were still in school. However, due to my unexpected and life altering announcement, the paps were camped outside the gate, so it took a little maneuvering to get inside and parked in the garage.

The second we walked in the door, she practically climbed me like a tree.

“You were so sexy today,” she mumbled against my lips as I quickly walked toward the stairs to the second floor. The steps started in the foyer by the front door, and when I was just about to put my foot on the first one, Naomi gasped and tore her mouth from mine. “I almost forgot! There’s something I have to do!” She started wiggling to get down, and I held her body locked against mine with a frown.

“Right now?”

She pushed against my chest. “Yes. Now put me down, Prentice.”

Reluctantly, I gave in to her demand, but not without adopting a pout that had her giggling as she backed away from me.

“The thing is, there’s something the paparazzi want to know, and I’m gonna tell them.”

Then she spun around and darted to the front door, opening it and dashing outside.

Confused, I followed her at a more sedate pace, but moved a little faster when I saw that she really was headed straight for the gate.

I caught up to her just as she stood in the center and shouted, “We’re pregnant!” Then she did a fist pump that mirrored mine the day I’d marched out here to announce our first pregnancy.

Stunned, there was complete silence from all of us for a few beats, then laughter erupted. I grabbed Naomi around the waist and swung her around, much like I had that day. “You’re pregnant?”

She nodded with a giant smile and swiped at the moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes. “I know we didn’t plan it…but I couldn’t be happier.”

“Fuck, I love you,” I grunted before I captured her lips in a deep, passionate kiss. Pouring out my love and gratitude that this incredible woman belonged to me.

“I love you, too,” she murmured as I swept her up into my arms and stalked back toward the house.

We only had an hour to celebrate, and I intended to make use of every minute.


Nixon Scott’s dream of playing professional football had finally come true. His focus needed to be on making the most of his rookie season. But then he met Ember Walsh.

All it took was one look for Nixon to know Ember was meant to be his, but the timing was all wrong. She was also off-limits.

Falling for his sister’s best friend wasn’t the right move. But when she was set up with one of his teammates, Nixon had no choice but to intercept Ember and lay claim to his woman.



“You owe me, little sister,” I teased Naomi as I jogged over to her from where I’d parked my car. I’d somehow managed to find an open spot less than a block away. I took the box she was holding from her arms and nearly dropped it. “Oof.” It was damn heavy.Shit. Are there rocks in this thing?

Naomi smiled and gave me her best “I’m your baby sister and you love me, so you’ll do anything for me” expression.

“You’re about to start your rookie season for the Nighthawks. I figured you could use the extra workout.”

I grunted in response and carried the box into the dorm building. Luckily, Naomi’s best friend was moving into one with an elevator near the entrance.

I’d never met Ember because she’d moved to my hometown during Naomi’s senior year, and I was busy at college. When I came home, I spent all my time with my family or catching up with the few friends I’d kept in touch with after high school.
