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Jerking my chin toward the man the server had pointed out, I explained, “Prentice was just helping me out. I’m not much of a drinker, either, but that guy sent me over a drink.”

Axton slanted a knowing look at his friend. “Uh-huh, I’m sure he was more than happy to help you take care of that.”

“Don’t you have stuff to do?” Prentice glared up at him. “One of your employees probably needs you for something. This place is packed.”

“That it is.” Axton slapped him on the back. “Good talking to you, man. So glad you came in tonight so we could chat.”

“Mm-hmm,” Prentice murmured, unbothered by his friend’s teasing.

After Axton walked away, I leaned forward. “You didn’t have to scare him off. Contrary to what my brother thinks, I’d be okay here on my own while you talk to your friend.”

“I’m here with you because it’s exactly where I want to be,” he assured me, reaching out to rest his hand over mine.

Butterflies swirled in my belly at his words, leaving me breathless. “Oh.”

“You gonna stop trying to get rid of me?”

“That’s not what—” I caught the teasing gleam in his dark orbs and sighed. “Yeah, I guess you can stay here. If you really want to.”

“I do.”

Holy moly.Hearing those two words from his mouth did crazy things to my ovaries.

“What are your plans now that you’re living with your brother? Do you have a job lined up already?”

“Sort of.” When he did a little circle in the air with his hand, I added, “I’m taking over Nixon’s social media accounts for him. The usual stuff like coming up with a strategy to grow his audience, taking photos of him at practice and on the field so he has good content, and responding to his followers. That kind of thing.”

“That’s a hell of a coincidence.”

My brows drew together. “What is?”

“I had to let my social media guy go recently,” he explained. “Any chance you’d be interested in taking on another client?”

“You?” I squeaked. It was one thing to help Nixon out with his accounts. As a rookie, he didn’t have a ridiculous number of followers yet, so I couldn’t really mess up too badly. But I was sure that if I pulled Prentice’s accounts up on my cell phone, I’d find he had millions of them. “Shouldn’t you use an agency or something?”

He shook his head. “Nah, I have a publicist who handles the big stuff, but I prefer to have someone who can put a more personal touch on my social media. With you already doing Nixon’s accounts and us being teammates, you’d be perfect. You’ll already be around to take photos of him, so it shouldn’t be a lot of extra work for you to snap some of me too, right?”

“It wouldn’t be hard at all.” In fact, the most difficult part would be forcing my lens toward my brother since I’d have free rein to stare at Prentice all day.

“Plus, having another client would be great for your résumé.” He beamed a confident grin at me. “And being able to use me as a reference couldn’t hurt. My name tends to open doors in certain places.”

I snorted at the understatement. “Yeah, like anywhere in the United States.”

“Some other countries too since I’ve done my fair share of international ads as well.”

That was putting it mildly. Considering I’d saved the Italian Vogue spread he did last year, I should know. “I can’t argue with that logic.”

“Good, then it’s settled.”

“What’s settled?” Nixon asked, flopping down onto the chair next to me.

Prentice slid a glass of water toward him. “Your sister is going to help me with my social media.”


Judging by the glazed look in Nixon’s eyes and how he’d just slurred, I figured he’d had more than enough to drink. “I think it’s time to call it a night.”

Before Nixon could argue, Prentice pushed away from the table and agreed, “Your sister is right. Seven is going to roll around before you know it, and we all need to be at the stadium for our morning weightlifting session.”
