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“Good point,” Ember grumbled.

“Hey, that night turned out to be a huge success.” Naomi crossed her arms over her belly and pouted. “I set up two couples with that one blind date.”

“Eh, that’s stretching things a little,” Ember disagreed. “Your brother stole me away from the date, and Wrenley has spent the past month thinking that she was Jordan’s fake date for last night.”

“Did you really?” Clay asked me, chuckling when I nodded. “I’m going to assume you realized how real the date was before Jordan sent me a text telling me to clear out of his place for the night.”

“Clear out of his place?” I echoed, my brows drawing together.

Clay ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, I just got traded to the Nighthawks, and Jordan is letting me stay with him until the renovations are done on my new place.”

Jordan must have been paying close attention to me because he joined us, sliding his arm around my shoulders as he asked, “Everything okay over here?”

I nodded. “Yeah, Clay was just telling me about how he’s your roommate.”

“I wouldn’t say roommate, exactly.” Jordan flashed Clay an apologetic smile. “We played football in college together, so I offered him somewhere to crash for the short term.”

“Unfortunately for me, you came back to town before the construction crew gave me the all clear to move in.” Clay scrubbed his hand over his face. “I’ll probably end up crashing at a hotel for the next couple of weeks so you two can have some privacy.”

“Yup,” Jordan agreed, not seeming the slightest bit concerned about his friend. “The sooner, the better.”

“Whoa, hold on a second.” I stared up at Jordan with wide eyes. “You can’t just kick Clay out because of me. Two weeks is nothing. We can wait. There’s really no rush.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, baby.” Jordan lowered his mouth to my ear and rasped, “No way in hell can I wait that long to have you all to myself, and there’s no fucking chance I’m gonna take you with him nearby, able to hear how you scream for me when you come.”

My cheeks filled with heat as I realized he was right. I hadn’t been quiet last night and would’ve been horribly embarrassed to discover that Clay had been down the hall while Jordan had given me all those mind-blowing orgasms. But I still felt guilty for being the reason he was displaced, even if it was only for a couple of weeks.

Driven by the need to make it up to him, I suggested, “If I’m going to be spending some of my free time at Jordan’s, then maybe you could crash in my room instead of a hotel. I’m sure my roommate won’t mind.”

“I wouldn’t want to be a bother. I’ll be fine at a hotel,” Clay insisted. “Like you said, two weeks is nothing.”

“Not some of your free time, all,” Jordan corrected.

“Most of my free time,” I conceded, spearing him with a look. “But only if Clay agrees to stay at my place while I’m at yours.”

“It’s decided. You’re moving into Wrenley and Marleigh’s apartment tonight,” Jordan announced, his tone making it clear he wouldn’t take no for an answer.



“Welcome!” My mom’s smile was giant as she ushered us inside their Park Avenue apartment. She pulled Wrenley in for a hug before giving me one as well. I could have sworn mine was less enthusiastic. Then again, I couldn’t blame her for being more excited to see my girl. She was fucking amazing.

I’d loved spending all my free time with Wrenley the past couple of weeks. If I hadn’t already been one-hundred-percent sure that she was meant to be mine, I would definitely be convinced by now.

“I’m so happy you could come to dinner! It feels like it’s been forever since the gala, and I didn’t even get to spend much time with you before Jordan whisked you away.”

Wrenley’s cheeks turned pink, and I suppressed a smirk because I knew she was thinking about why we’d left in such a hurry—and never returned.

My mom put her arm around my girl’s shoulder, rolled her eyes at my irritated growl, and guided her toward the kitchen.

“You get her all the time, Jordan, and I know I taught you to share when you were little.”

Wrenley snorted and glanced back at me, clearly amused as my lips involuntarily turned down into a petulant pout.

She laughed and turned her head back to face my mom. “He’s only terrible at sharing me.”

My mom snickered and shook her head. “That he learned from his father. A couple of Neanderthals.”
