Page 49 of It Has To Be You

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“Sounds about right, yeah. How are you?” she asked, as though she hadn’t been following his every move for weeks.

Talk about awkward.

And it was. The excruciating kind where Indy was twitching, ready to bolt.

She didn’t want to be here.

And what about Ethan? The guy who doggedly pursued her from the moment they met, who minutes ago was professing his affections and saying in no uncertain terms (his favorite kind) that she was what he wanted.

When Summer had told her that her brother didn’t act in his best interests often, Indy could imagine it, had seen where he put his class and even Indy’s needs before his own. But here and now, facing Nick, where Ethan finally had the opportunity to demand what was his, yet not take it, Indy could see what Summer really meant.

Give Ethan someone else to look after, and he’d put them first every time.

Noble, sure, but she’d be a pretty awful savior if she let him get away with it. After all he had done for her, Indy would prove herself to be the best wingman ever.

Her tongue managed to loosen itself when it became obvious Ethan wasn’t going to say anything about the money, and at this rate, might continue to not say anything until he hit retirement. The urge to sigh dramatically bloomed in her chest, but she forced it down.

She did, however, clear her throat in the most unambiguous way imaginable. Because even when she was attempting to be reasonable, she was stillherself.

With a half turn, she asked Ethan, “Don’t you have something you need to ask?”

The set of his frown made Indy stand taller, pushing her five-foot-nothing frame into warrior pose.

“It’s okay. With the grant, I don’t—”

Indy invaded his space, turning fully and cutting him off before he could get any ideas about letting Nick off the hook.

Nope. That was not on the table today.

“I’m not talking about the money, Ethan. I mean, I am, because what Nick did was really shitty and I can’t believe he’s going to get away with treating you like that, but my point is—”

“You know I can hear you,” Nick said.

Indy ignored him, her focus still trained on Ethan. “What happened to taking what you want?”

There wasn’t a lot of room between the shelves, leaving little space for him to escape, even though he could probably pick Indy up with one arm. Possibly even throw her over his shoulder… hold her up against the bookcase, her thighs wrapped around his waist…

Hold up. Wrong line of thinking.

Save that for later.

Standing chest to chest with him, Indy stood her ground. Having Nick in front of her had been the final nail in the coffin. She’d made her choice, and not a single scrap of her was tempted to change her mind.

And maybe Ethan needed to be certain of that too, because it wasn’t until she cupped his cheek that he directed his piercing gaze over her shoulder, pinning Nick with a fury she hadn’t seen in him before.

“Nick, stop being a dick and pay me back already.”

Hot damn, hearing him take charge was definitely working for her. Pleased, Indy couldn’t help but follow his line of sight, pivoting to see the response.

Nick was visibly shocked, his eyes wide and his jaw slack. “Yeah, of course, man. I can transfer it next week.”

“No. No more bullshit. I know you’re good for it. Amber already told me. Just pay me back, all right?”

Nick’s gaze darted over to Indy before settling back on Ethan, his mask slipping, his expression flat and cold. “Fine, Jesus, don’t get your panties in a twist. I’ll do it now.”

He busied himself with his phone, a sneer marring his face.

Indy couldn’t believe it. This was the guy she’d been chasing? If she could find that psychic, she’d demand her money back.
