Page 56 of It Has To Be You

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It was everything.

* * *

It wasn’t until she was digging her bra out from behind the television that she found it.

The bracelet.

She’d completely forgotten. Again.


She walked back to the couch. “Hey, do you remember when I said I had something to return to Nick?”

Ethan nodded.

“Well, the real story is that he gave me this on our anniversary a million years ago.” She held up the bracelet. “One week late, of course. Anyway, I went to have my future told when I was wearing it, and the psychic said that the man this belonged to would be the key to my destiny.” Funny how things worked out. It may not have ended exactly as she believed it would, but it was true that it had led her to him. Maybe the details were a little different, but Destiny had still pointed her in the right direction, hadn’t she?

When Indy opened her mouth to give Ethan his opportunity to sayI told you so, she stilled. All of Ethan’s attention was on the bracelet. His eyes were wide, and he was holding his breath.

Finally, he blew it out. “Can I see that?”

He reached out for the bracelet, and she let it fall into his palm.


He blinked quickly, and when his gaze lifted, his eyes were glassy, the expression tugging at her heart.

“This was my mother’s. It went missing years ago… I always thought I’d lost it.” He swallowed thickly, rubbed at his jaw. “I can’t believe it.”

Her knees gave out, and she lurched toward the couch, catching herself and sitting beside where he was sprawled out. What? “But… how?”

Brown met green for a heartbeat.

“Nick,” they said together.

“I told you he was a thief. I can’t believe you’ve had it this whole time.”

“Ethan,” Indy breathed, “do you know what this means?”

He cupped her cheek. So sure. “It means I was right. You were meant for me.”

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