Page 101 of Rebellious Reign

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He smiles back at me, then rolls us again. I shriek at the sudden movement, and then I’m laughing with abandon. Something I haven’t done in a very long time. He opens two cans before handing one of them to me.

“I love her, and that’s the beginning and end of everything,” he says.

My eyes fill with tears as I acknowledge the statement and what it means for us. We can start over, leave everything in our past behind, and just be.

“I love you now. Isn’t that enough?” I say to him.

“Always,” he whispers, clinking his can against mine.



The reckoning is here. The time has finally come for everything to be laid to rest once and for all, and I’m fucking ready for it. I think all of us are. I look at my men and women. The ones who have stuck beside me through everything. I couldn’t have done it without them. And now, we choose lawful chaos.

I know there are cameras, and I know they can see us as we step up to the door, but I don’t care. They can see the bullshit about to rain down on them as well, with the operatives standing at our backs. This might be the first time good and bad have banned together to take down a snake in our midst. We don’t agree on everything, but on the subject of human trafficking, we’ve drawn a strong line in the sand.

“Are you sure you can’t—”

“No. I promised Wryn thatIwouldn’t kill Antonio or Paul,” I tell Dean.

I didn’t say anything about anyone else.

“How do you go fromlet’s murder themtowe will let the law do their job?” he mutters, and I shake my head.

“Pussy. It must be good,” Ginny says matter-of-factly, and I shoot her a look.

She smirks at me, and I focus on the door, inserting the key in the lock. Now is not the time to get mad. The pussy is admittedly very good.

I promised Wryn I wouldn’t shed any more blood than necessary, and I’m holding myself to that. It’s the entire reason I brought in law-abiding men and women to take these men down. Doesn’t mean I don’t have a few aces up my sleeve.

We don’t have the resources or manpower to take care of who we find in here. Only years of rehabilitation and therapy will fix what my father did. The bastard. And I’m proud to say, my wife is well on her way to being the one to do it. She’s currently waiting in an armored van around the corner with Arie, supplies and rations at their fingertips in anticipation of what might be needed. Several medical personnel are waiting with them.

I raise two fingers and motion men around the sides. Once I get the all clear, I’ll stride right through the front door and take out the bastards I can see. If they shoot first, the law enforcement assured me that it is within my right to defend myself. Especially since this is my property. Self-defense and all that.

In actuality, I don’t give a fuck whether it’s within my rights. These men deserve to go down, and the people they have exploited deserve the world. However grim it might be.

“Clear,” the voice speaks through my earpiece.

I twist the key, push the door open, and raise my gun with a smile on my face.

“Hello, motherfuckers,” I say as I find the first surprised face. One I know well.

He pulls a gun, firing a shot, and that’s all I need. I put a bullet between Paul’s eyes, and I relish the surprised look that crosses his face before he goes down hard on the side of that dusty-ass couch. Antonio is all that is left of the dark legacy. The legacy of the founding fathers of the New Order.

I send a nod up to the ceiling for Lucas, letting him know that it’s done. Arie is safe, and we will look after her.

Ginny, Geo, and Dean fan out around me, none of them pausing. Cops are crawling everywhere. FBI and special ops with their black outfits creep along the shadows. I walk proudly into the circle, eyeing the fucking scrubs the men have doing their dirty work.

Some posture, squaring their shoulders, as if they can stare death in the eyes without pissing themselves. Others have already done so, the liquid on the floor giving them away. I move to the back, along the wall and down the hallway, kicking in doors that haven’t already been opened.

Chatter comes through my earpiece, alerting me that they’ve found them. The people we came here to free. Chills run down my spine as I imagine what they’ve gone through. I know the terror they’ve experienced at the hands of our sperm donors. We’ve all experienced it ourselves.

There’s one door left at the back of the compound before we make our way to an outbuilding. The back bedroom door is closed, and I pause outside of it, knowing in my gut who we will find. I glance at Geo, who stares back at me, his eyes resolute. There’s no hesitation before he nods in one succinct manner.

I rear back and kick at the lock several times, my leg taking the brunt of impact and sending shocks of pain through my body. But I don’t stop. It takes four kicks before we are looking into the face of an extremely pale Antonio.

The whites of his eyes are large and bloodshot. He brandishes a pistol at us.
