Page 34 of Rebellious Reign

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I start to go through the papers again, this time looking for anything that stands out to me, that might have been hidden in a safe. Words and numbers blur together on the stark white pages, nothing looking out of the ordinary. Mundane, normal business things.

Then, I go through folders and drawers. The bottom-right drawer is locked on the desk, and I give the handle a hard pull to make sure. I open the smaller, longer drawer at the top of the desk, where pencils and pens, paper clips, staples, odds and ends rest. I sift through it, not finding anything that resembles a key. I thought maybe it would be easy, like the key to the office.

The key to the office. That he keeps in his fucking bedside table drawer.

I bet that’s where this key is. I keep scanning documents until I’ve done all the ones I can find. I check the time, seeing I’ve been in here for an hour now. It passed quickly, and at some point, I think I forgot that I wasn’t supposed to be in here.

I turn the printer off. I email myself and Viktor the documents, and then I delete the browser history and every file off the Guest account on the computer and log out. I try to remember where papers and files were placed, and when I’m finally sure that things look okay, I stand and walk to the door. I unlock and open it quietly, checking the hallway before I step out, and quickly whirl to lock it behind me.

Then, I make my way back to Connor’s room, barely breathing, and put the key back in the bedside table drawer.

Calmly, I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on, then walk underneath the cold spray, fully clothed, trying to calm myself and chill the blood strumming through my veins before I puke.

I lean against the wall. Reminiscent of my first shower here, I slide down it and curl in on myself as I sit on the floor, the water still pummeling me.

I felt like we were in a good place—as good a place as we could be in at this point in a relationship that started like ours. But now, I’m questioning everything.

I’m questioning myself and him. And if what I’m doing is even worth it anymore.

I close my eyes and tilt my head up, letting the steady stream wash away the tears leaking from the corners of my eyes.



Iwalk to the front door of the compound, Geo at my back, then place my hand on the handle to the front door. I give it a quick pull, and I’m not surprised when it stays secure.

I pluck the key from my pocket and insert it into the lock, turning, and then the door gives way.

I haven’t been here since that fateful night when my father rained down mayhem on the Lions MC. I had worked undercover as a kid, wanting to patch in to get intel for my father. So, I guess, in a way, I was their downfall.

They weren’t the worst people, but when you inadvertently cross my father, he dealt with you. He took them out without batting an eye. His men—now my men—crawled around this compound and neutralized the motorcycle club. My one contribution was getting a girl out that they had locked in here.

My mind drifts to Peyton and that night I let her go free. She was pregnant, and I think that was one of those times where I thought we were doing the right thing by destroying this place. But good and bad isn’t black and white. You can do something good while still being bad. At least I learned that.

I pace the main room, where there used to be couches and a place to hang out. The bar that sits along the back wall is now empty, the shelves bare.

My footsteps echo along the concrete floor.

Nothing is here, except for one ratty, old couch.

I stop at the bar and run a finger across it.

I hold my hand up to the light filtering in the front window, which doesn’t have a curtain anymore.

“Do you notice anything strange?” I ask Geo, who is on the other side of the room, waiting at the front door.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

I squint at my skin. “This place has been cleaned recently.”

Before Geo says anything, the front door opens, bumping his back, and he shifts forward.

“Sorry,” Arie says, her cheeks turning red as she steps inside, letting Lucas follow her.

Geo only manages a nod and grabs the door from her, moving back and pulling it with him. No one else comes in.

“Only you two?” he asks.
