Page 36 of Rebellious Reign

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I’ve installed cameras along the perimeter and every corner of my house. Truthfully, I’m not sure they are even enough, so I’m doing extra, like reinforcing the tunnel in the basement that my father started and making sure I have some sort of fallout shelter that’s fully stocked.

Lucas’s eyes dart to Arie, and I start to lower the gun.

“Arie can make her own decision,” he finally says, and we stare at her.

“I don’t even know what you are going on about,” she screams at us through her fingers, tears marring her face.

I hate that I made her cry. If I could tell her that I wouldn’t really kill her brother, I would. But the thing is, I can’t. I think I would have pulled the trigger if he had refused me again. I would sacrifice anything for the safety of what’s mine. And if Lucas had proven not to be mine, then he wouldn’tbeanymore.

Geo’s hand goes to her shoulder, squeezing, and she pulls away, withdrawing into herself. He backs up, but not before I see the side of his mouth twist up at her reaction. He’s never been open with his feelings about Arie, and I’m not even sure where they come from. But I think it must suck to not see them reciprocated. Although I’m not sure why they aren’t. I’ve never seen Arie with anyone else.

But she can’t do what she wants with who she wants. The women in our lives aren’t given the freedom to date around. They’re usually married or betrothed at young ages. Used as bargaining tools without their own voice. It’s sick really.

My mind drifts to Lilliana. Is that going to be her fate? Living with Viktor must be even worse than living with Bertrand. At least my father didn’t completely adopt all the old ways. He wasn’t particularly kind to Lilliana, but he didn’t police her every move.

No. I did that. For her own safety.

She needs someone to look out for her, and here I am, starting a war instead of getting her back. But I’m hoping that this will only be the beginning of change and that I will be able to bring her home.

“Connor wants us to stay with him until all of this madness is over,” Lucas says, reiterating what I said before.

Arie stares at me with wide eyes. “Won’t that be a slap in the face to our father? Won’t it tell him whose side we are on?”

“Yes, precisely.” I nod, holstering my gun.

Arie’s eyes dart around the room.

“It’s time we draw a line in the sand and make something happen. I’ve brought you all here because I’ve enacted a plan. And I need your help.”

I look at Ginny and Dean, who haven’t said a word since entering.

“Arie, make your decision.”

“Will you put a gun to my head if I don’t agree to move in?” she asks, standing a bit taller. Her back straightens with determination, and her gaze doesn’t waver from mine.

“No,” I say. “You weren’t involved in what your brother did, to my knowledge. But you won’t have any of my or your brother’s protection going forward if you decide to return home.”

She nods curtly, and then I watch her shift her body a bit, facing more toward Geo. It’s curious since she’s ignored him since walking in. She still doesn’t really interact with him, but it’s almost like she wants to include him in her decision. Or maybe she knows that if she’s under my roof, she’ll be under the same one as him. I have to say, their non-relationship intrigues me to a certain degree, and it’s because I can’t figure out what the fuck is going on.

“Okay,” she finally says with another curt nod. Then, she moves across the room, away from Geo and toward Lucas. She links fingers with her brother. “Where Lucas goes, I go.”

Lucas squeezes her hand, and she smiles up at him. My heart aches for Lilliana. I miss her smiles and her easygoing nature around the house. Lord knows who she got that from, as both of her parents were uptight assholes. I pray every day that she’s okay where she is in Chicago.

“Good,” is all I say. I don’t have any more energy to waste on them.

“What is this place?” Ginny asks, finally speaking. She’s never one to mince words. She knows the debacle is over and is ready to get on with what we are doing here.

“It’s an old motorcycle club that my father … bought. With bloodshed and violence. He’s kept it all these years, and I’m not sure why.”

“Someone has kept it up,” Ginny says.

I nod. “That’s what I’m seeing. I haven’t been here since I was in high school. Strange, isn’t it?”

“That someone would clean it up?” Dean asks.

I nod. “It belongs to my family, and it’s been some time since my father passed. Don’t you think there should at least be a fine layer of dust on things? It’s been used for something. I’m not the only one with a key.”

“Why did you call us here?” Ginny asks.
