Page 66 of Rebellious Reign

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I honestly don’t know. We probably should, but I don’t know what would be better—tell her before she can go to sleep and hopefully be able to forget about it for a while, or tell her in the bright light of day, where the darkness of night can’t haunt her.

“No. Let’s get it over with. We need to go back anyway and collect his body.”

“It will be a crime scene. There’s no way we are going back,” Geo says.

I give him a sharp look. “He died in our defense.”

“He knew what might happen, what would probably happen. It’s a miracle any of us made it out alive,” Geo says, then spits on the ground.

He’s right. It was a shit show, and it would be stupid to go back and risk being found out. This will be brushed under the rug by law enforcement anyway. They would be stupid not to. We fund them, and they look the other way. There’s no reason they would blow this up or come looking for trouble. We shouldn’t either.

“Come on,” I say, jerking my head toward the door, and start that way.

I can hear Geo’s footsteps behind me.

“What happened in there? What are you going to do about her?” Geo asks.

My heart starts to race. I don’t want to talk about it even though I brought it up.

“Who?” I ask even though I know who he’s talking about.

My fucking wife. The one I was falling for. The one I thought might have been mine, someone I could call my own. The example of why I should never let anyone in—because they always end up failing you in the end.

“You know who,” he says, walking through the door and stopping inside the hallway with me.

“I don’t know,” I say, raking a hand down my face. “I don’t fucking know. I was starting—I was—” It sounds so stupid to say, so I don’t.

But Geo nods, like he knows what I mean.

“Viktor told me she was the one supplying him with information on me.”

“Is there a possibility that Viktor was lying?”

“There’s always that possibility, but he wasn’t. Wryn told me herself that she was guilty.”

“Why would she do that?”

“She claimed it was all for Ruby. Everything she does is for fucking Ruby.”

“You should have told her Ruby was gone.”

“Fuck, I know,” I say.

Geo stops talking, then presses his lips into a thin line. I can see his jaw working.

“I know you, and I know you probably won’t see it this way, but you knew she came here for a reason, and it wasn’t you. So, maybe it makes sense that she took the crumb that Viktor was offering for a chance to see her sister again. Wouldn’t you? If he offered you Lilliana back, wouldn’t you do anything in your power to have her safe at home?”

“You’re right; I don’t see it that way. I see her as a double-crossing traitor. And she should have come to me before doing anything.”

Geo nods. He knows I’m right, but I also know he’s right in a sense. Desperation makes people do crazy things. But I can’t let this go. She got what she deserved. And I didn’t even have to dole out the punishment.

“Whatever you say, boss.”

“Don’t call me that,” I growl at him, and he shakes his head.

I need new help around here, people who know their damn place.

I find Dean as I pass the kitchen door. Brigette is bustling around, pulling stuff out to eat, and he’s lounging against the table, watching her work.
