Page 63 of Whisky Business

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“My brother is a good dancer.” The statement fell from my lips before I could stop it.

She showed no reaction.“Yes, he’s definitely… enthusiastic.”Enthusiastic.Why did it feel like there was an insult in there somewhere?“You didn’t answer my question. Why are you hiding?”

I lifted my glass to her.“I’m not hiding, I’m drinking.”

It wasn’t an offer but she pulled the glass from my hand and brought it to her own lips, taking a small sip and licking the excess with her tongue.“Kier liked to drink alone too, when my grandmother drove him to distraction.” She took another small step, close enough for me to smell her perfume, something light and floral.“Is someone driving you to distraction, Mal?”

Christ.Goose bumps broke out across my skin. Perhaps it was the gentle buzz in my veins making me brave, perhaps it was her. I plucked the glass from her fingers with one hand and circled her waist with the other, tugging her into me. She came all too willingly between my bent legs, the plumes of her skirt spreading over my lap like sea foam. I could barely see her in the darkness, bolstering me further.“When we kissed in your room… I said it shouldn’t have happened. What I wanted to say, what I should have said, is that you undo me in a way that scares me. That’s why I ran.”

Sitting on the cask, I was only a few inches taller, so I felt the puff of her hot breath on my neck. Unable to fully make out her features, I lowered my mouth to hers slowly, every tiny particle of my body screamed out for me to do it faster, claim her quicker before she changed her mind, but I let my intent show. There would be no misinterpretation this time. And then she was kissing me back.

Our lips pressed and we both exhaled, sharp but sure. Her lips were as soft as I remembered, and I dragged mine over them twice more. I knew the scruff of my beard must scratch, a fact we both seemed to appreciate, because she dragged me closer. Deepening the kiss, she pulled and sipped from my lips, her tongue dancing and flicking over mine. My hands bunched at the back of her dress, fists gripping the fabric, but I held taut, letting her run this show. This would not be like last time when I’d behaved like a depraved idiot. Plundering her mouth so hard, so roughly, there was no way she could have possibly enjoyed it. I started to slow the kiss, to set a steady pace. Trying to stay calm. But her nails dug into my arm and she drew back just far enough to say,“Please don’t start being polite now.”

I cupped her face.“I’m trying to be gentle.”

“And if I prefer you rough?”

Fuck.This couldn’t be real… it just couldn’t. A fresh wave of lust hit me so hard it was almost blinding. Then, I was the one being devoured. The force of the kiss stunned me. If it weren’t for the cask beneath my legs I would have landed on my backside as she threw her weight against me. Both of her hands clutched at my face, short nails dragging through my beard and into the hair at my temples. I groaned, crushing and lifting her against my chest, feeling the drag from her bodice through my shirt. My left hand began frantically searching through the layers of her skirt until I found the smooth expanse of her thigh and tugged it around my hip.

Then, we were turning—I was turning—pressing her back and over the cask. Her back bowed and I arched over her, the only way to keep our lips connected. We were half wild, scrambling at one another as I lifted her and sat her on the barrel. Her dress plumed around her, far too pretty for a desperate act like this in a dark, earthy warehouse. The knowledge only spurred me on. I wanted it to get dirty, I wanted tears in the bodice and stains on the hem. I wanted to bring my princess down to my level.

She went easily, falling back on her elbows and spreading her thighs for me.For me.Her head fell all the way back and she opened her mouth wider for my tongue. I clutched her face in my hands, slowing it down, savouring the feel of her between my palms. She tasted of everything good, whisky and sunshine and Christmas morning. It was a kiss that fogged windscreens, the sticky heat penetrating the thick stone walls, driving us higher.

Her hands were at my kilt, shucking the material up and over her skirt. At the first graze of her finger on my thigh I grunted, squeezing my eyes shut and dropping my forehead to her shoulder.“Wait, wait, wait…”

Her breath was ragged.“Is something wrong?”

“No, no—never. I just… I need to touch you first. I can’t think of anything else.” It pained me to stop her, the thought of her small hand around my cock was enough to blow a blood vessel. I took both of her hands from beneath my kilt and pressed them to the sides of the cask, drawing back just enough to catch her eye and communicate that she keep them there. She bit her lip but nodded.

I began at her chin—that proud little point had captivated me since I was fourteen years old. I kissed it, licked it. Her lips dipped for my mouth but I was already moving, trailing my tongue down her neck, tasting what I’d only ever scented. I grunted again, the only sound I was capable of when my lips found the swells of her breasts. I dipped my nose between them, into the heart of her bodice, smelling perfume there too.“Did you wear this dress to torture me, April?” I didn’t need to look up to feel her nod. I licked the curve of one, from the centre to the tormenting little bow hanging over her shoulder, leaving a wet trail behind. I placed a bite on the other, holding her still as she jerked and shuddered.“Too rough?”


Good.I did it again, licking, biting, pulling her bodice down with my teeth, but I didn't expose her. Not here. Not when anyone could walk in and see her. I trailed kisses down her body, and the beads of her dress scraped and caught through my beard, the bite of pain the only thing keeping me sane. As I fell to my knees, her words from the car blew through my mind.Did it ever occur to you that I enjoyed him saying those things to me?

I circled her ankle, letting her shoe drop from her toes, and pressed a kiss there.“Are you going to let me fuck you with my mouth tonight?” The words poured out of me, unbidden, but when she moaned, I pressed my smile into her skin so hard I hoped I left an imprint.“Come on, princess, don’t hold out on me now. I need to hear your words.”

She squirmed on the cask.“Prick.” I laughed, trying to recall if I’d ever had so much fun doing this. It was always a mix of nerves and panic, overshadowed by blind need.

“That’s a start.” I pressed a kiss higher, flicking my tongue against her smooth calf.“More.” I needed to hear that prim little voice telling me what to do, just like she did in my dreams.

She laughed breathily.“I hate you.” But then her hands were at the sides of her skirts, trying to pull them higher. I knocked them aside.

“More, April,” I urged, dipping my head beneath her skirts to kiss the inside of her knee.

“When men are between my legs, I like it better when they get to the point.” Her voice was only just clear enough for me to hear. Her legs tightened around my head as if to punctuate her point. I wanted to see us from her view. Me, stained-kneed and wild, head shifting beneath pretty tulle. An erotic image I needed immortalised in her mind.

“Princess, do you want my mouth on you? Tell me now.”

“Yes.” I felt her fall back further, and from my position, I could see the lengths of her hair almost touching the floor on the other side of the cask.Fuck.“Yes… that’s what I want.”

“Good girl.” I hummed the words into her skin and pushed higher, the very centre of her calling to me like a homing beacon. My nose brushed lace and my tongue followed, swiping along the crease between her thigh and underwear.Shit. She was beginning to drip down her leg. I lapped it up, half savage as she trembled.“Hips up, princess.” My fingers curled around her underwear and tugged the moment she complied, drawing them down and off her feet, knocking her second shoe loose. I drew up from beneath her skirt, eyes locking on hers as I tucked the pretty white lace into my jacket pocket. Her nostrils were flared and she bit her lip.“You’re amassing quite a collection,” she said. I knew her pretty skin would be flushed.

I no longer had it in me to joke in return. I pushed back beneath her skirts, no delaying this time as I licked her slowly… if there was a heaven, this was it. I could happily die here, on my knees between April’s legs. A single taste was all I got before I heard it—muffled voices, a low timber almost identical to mine, and the creak of the dunnage door. A dark, vicious part of me wanted to continue, to let him see. April was pliant in my arms, she would have let me continue none the wiser.

I scrambled to my feet, tucking her skirts back into place.“Mal,” she gasped, disappointment echoing in her tone.You and me both, princess.

I pressed my finger to her lips, cocking my head to the door. Her eyes flared, hearing it. She didn’t look panicked… shocked, perhaps. A voice in my head warned me this was not a good way to be caught. I started to draw her from the cask before remembering her lack of shoes. Lifting her instead, I pressed her flush to my chest as I carried her through the stalls to the furthest wall. Her hot little breaths met my neck as she clung to me, all ten fingers pressing into my shoulder, thighs circling my waist.
