Page 102 of High Value Target

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Grady chuckled. “I’m hoping it’s gonna be mine later tonight.”

She held the ring out and admired it. “We’re getting married.” Her eyes lifted to his. “I love you, Grady Steele.”

He picked her off her feet and twirled her around until she squealed with laughter.

“I’ve always wanted a boy to twirl me around.”

“You want, pretty girl, I’ll twirl you every day for the rest of your life.”

She had everything she’d ever need. A man who loved her to no end and would make her dizzy, even when he wasn’t twirling her around.

“I can’t believe you did all this for me.” She looked over at the horses that Sal and his son stood holding. “But Grady, where are we going to put them all?”

“Yeah, about that. Got one more thing to show you.” He jerked his head. “Come on, boys. This way.”

She took Pharaoh, and Grady led the quarter horse. He led her down a path and around some trees and bushes. Sal and his son followed with the other four horses.

“Been hard as hell hiding this from you. Had ‘em working overtime to finish it the last two weeks. Luckily, they were able to use the old foundation.”

Tinsley’s mouth fell open. A brand-new state-of-the-art stable stood where the old metal shed had been, with a riding ring attached to it. They entered, and everything was beautiful.

She loaded Pharaoh into a stall and Grady put the quarter horse into another. Sal and his son led the other horses into some of the remaining stalls. Grady shook their hands, and Tinsley hugged Sal’s neck. “Thank you so much.”

“My pleasure, Miss Wyatt. You’ll be seeing more of me around here. Mr. Steele gave me and my boy a job. Figured you’d need some help with all these rescues.”

“I definitely will. Oh, I’m so happy you’ll be working with us!”

He tipped his hat. “I’ll leave you two alone now. Me and my boy will be around tomorrow to start.”


When they left, Tinsley stood in the aisle between the stalls and twirled around, looking at the place. “Oh, Grady, it’s beautiful. It must have cost a fortune.”

“Hell, yeah, it did. But I’ve got to admit, your parents chipped in half of it as an early wedding present.”

“They did?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That must mean they approve of us.”

“Seems so. Your father gave me his permission to give you that ring.”

“How in the world did you ever talk my father into this?”

“The man loves you and wants you to be happy. Is that so hard to believe?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“You know, I told him about you taking me out to your old lunch spot, Rosa’s. Told him you had fond memories of the place and spending time with him. He actually teared up. Of course, he tried to hide it. Guess what else?”


“Heard he took your mom out there for lunch the other day. Seems long before it was your spot with your father, it was their spot. A place they’d go to sneak off to when they wanted to be alone, like they apparently did when they were first dating back in Georgia. Did you know she was forbidden to date your father when they first met? I had no idea they had a Romeo and Juliet love.”

“They came from different statuses. I didn’t know that myself until he told me the other day. I’d have never suspected my father once had nothing.”

“Yeah, people will surprise the hell out of you sometimes. I’ve sure learned that.”
