Page 93 of High Value Target

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They hit pay dirt on the second rental company they tried.

The girl behind the counter punched in some numbers. “The car shows it’s at 1224 Poplar Blvd. Midland.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

Grady and Chris hurried out to the car. Al and Stan were in a second vehicle.

Grady jerked his coat and tie off and tossed them in the backseat.

Chris lifted his chin to Al. “Pull in that gas station down the street. We need to change.”

They drove half a block and changed from their ‘FBI suits’ into camo pants and t-shirts.

Stan pulled up the address on a maps app. “Carson’s Inn. Looks like a bar.”

“A-game, boys. We’ve got to be good on this one,” Chris said.

“We’ve got to be lucky, too,” Big Al added.

“Fuck luck. I’ll take skill and training anytime,” Grady replied.

“Let’s move.” Chris climbed back into the car.

Grady got in the passenger seat. He looked over at Chris as they pulled out. “We get me in that car. He takes me to Tinsley.”

“You’d have to be in the trunk.”

“I realize.”

“I don’t like it. Too many things could go wrong.”

“We can’t take a chance on losing him. He’s the only one who can lead us to her. He won’t go near her if he’s approached. He’ll never tell us where she is. And we don’t know how much time she has. If he decides he has no use for her, he’ll kill her. He’s already proven what he’s capable of.”


They found the bar and pulled in. Chris cruised through the parking lot.

“There it is.” Grady pointed to the blue sedan.

“You got your tools?” Chris asked.

Grady patted his pocket, then strapped on a bullet-proof vest and helmet. He checked the clip on his pistol and slid a bowie knife into his belt, then wrapped the strap of his M1 around her shoulder.

Chris circled again and stopped in the next lane. By now, darkness was falling. Grady slipped out and ducked between cars. When he got to the blue sedan, he got out his tools and popped the trunk, then climbed inside.

Chris radioed Al. “Go inside. Start a fight with our mark. We want him in his car and leaving.”

“On it.”

“And Al?”


“Be careful. He has a gun, and he’s not afraid to use it.”

“Got it.” Al climbed out of the second car and jogged to the door. Five minutes later, the two men came outside. Perry dashed to his car.

“Stay away from my wife, asshole.” Al shouted after him.
