Page 41 of Hostile Extraction

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She turned at Dusty’s voice.

He swung to a sitting position and nodded to her body. “Twisting yourself like a pretzel. Have you always done yoga?”

“I started about a year ago.”

“You’re pretty good.”

“Thank you. I woke up with a headache. One of your team found me some pain killers earlier.”

“I’m sorry. I should have thought to bring you something. The headaches are probably withdrawal from all those drugs Nico was giving you.”

She nodded. “I suppose. The yoga seems to be helping, too.”

“How’s your ankle doing?”

“Better. I thought this might be the perfect exercise for it.”

“You know what’s good for that ankle? The pool. Less resistance. It’d be a perfect place to rehab it.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“I’m always right.” He grinned, and she rolled her eyes, but smiled.

“If you say so.”

“I do. Come on. I’ll help you.”

“Help me what?”

“Exercise in the water.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary.”

“It’ll be fun. I need to cool off, anyway. Go find a bathing suit.”

“You enjoy ordering me around, don’t you?”

He grinned. “Not gonna lie. I do kinda like it, yeah.”

“Don’t get used to it, boyo.”

“Yes, ma’am. Now move.”


Dusty swam laps back and forth as he waited for Asia. He was beginning to think she’d changed her mind. Then she walked through the patio doors. She was a vision in a tiny black string bikini and a matching wrap tied around her waist.

Her body was on full display, and Dusty’s breath caught. His eyes roamed up her long legs to the wrap hiding the prize he wanted most. Then they moved over her smooth belly to her barely covered breasts.

Big Al walked past the open doorway, pausing to see Asia standing there in all her glory. He gave a thumbs up, waggling his eyebrows. Dusty was about ready to wipe that goofy ass grin off his face when he moved on.

Dusty cleared his throat. “Great, you found one.”

“Yes, thankfully, this one was shoved in a drawer. Still had its tags on and everything.”

“Well, don’t be shy. Hop in,” he teased, and splashed water at her.

“Hey, watch it!” she joked back. Then she untied the wrap and turned to place it on the wooden chaise behind her. When she bent down, Dusty leaned closer for a better view.
