Page 40 of Hostile Extraction

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“There is? That would be nice.” She struggled to get up without putting all her weight on her bad ankle, and Stan came forward to take her hand and pull her up.

“There you go. You got it?” he asked.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Don’t want you falling and hurting yourself again.”

“The lower level, you say?”

“That’s what Grady just told me. I’m going to take a shower. Those mosquitoes were eating me alive out there. I guess ‘cause I’m so sweet.” He winked and wandered down the hall.

Asia made her way to the lower level and spotted an open door. She padded to it and froze in the doorway. There, hanging from a bar doing pullups, was Dusty, his muscles bulging under a sheen of sweat. Her eyes moved over every inch of exposed skin. He had a beautiful back with broad shoulders and a lean torso that tapered to his hips. She followed the length of his spine down to the two dimples at the base. She’d never seen anything sexier.

That is, until he dropped to the floor, grabbed his shirt up and turned, wiping the sweat off his cut abs and chest. Her eyes lingered on the V that framed from his flat belly button to his low hanging shorts. Holy cow.

She must have made a sound, because his head jerked, and his eyes hit hers.

“Asia. How long have you been standing there?”

She swallowed and wet her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. “I, ah…” She gestured to the rolled-up yoga mats against the wall. “I just came to stretch and do some yoga.”

“Oh.” He walked over to one and handed it to her. “Here you go.”

“Thank you.” She unrolled it, bending at the waist to smooth it flat. When she straightened, she caught Dusty’s eyes on her ass for a split second before he cleared his throat and stepped away.

He moved over to a weight bench and began doing chest presses.

Asia got on the floor and stretched her legs out.

“How’d you know about this place?” he asked.

“Stan told me.”

Dusty huffed a laugh. “Oh, he did, did he?”

“Why is that funny?”

He shook his head. “You’d have to know Stan to understand that.”

She went through her positions.

She got into the lotus position, folding her legs and straightening her spine, dropping her shoulders. She immediately felt her body relaxing into it.

She moved to the boat pose, balancing on her butt with her body in a v-shape, her arms extended. She felt her core engage, her inner thigh squeeze, and her hamstrings stretch.

She held it for as long as she could, her eyes flicking to see Dusty’s head turned toward her, his eyes watching her.

She changed positions to the compass pose. With one leg tucked, she took her other leg and extended it behind her shoulder. She felt it in her hips and spine.

Next was the monkey pose, a kind of splits with her arms extended to the ceiling and her head back. It was supposed to improve balance, stability, and flexibility of the hips and pelvic, and she certainly felt it.

She did the warrior pose, which was like a lunge with the arms extended front and back.

When her ankle began to ache, she ended with the tree pose, balancing on her good leg, the other bent, her foot resting on her opposite thigh, and her hands together in prayer. Usually this was an easy pose for her, but the days she’d missed had made her less flexible.

She held it as long as she could, then relaxed.

“That’s amazing.”
