Page 51 of The Highest Bid

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For the last ten minutes, the conversation has flown easily, but with every step closer to our destination, one question continues to scream loudly at me. When I ask that question, I fear that her smile will slip from her lips. I don’t want to suck the joy out of her. I want to divert her thoughts away from what just happened.

But I’m curious, and I know I’ll only question it for the rest of the week until she breaches the subject herself. Ineedto know how it went.

“So, how did it go?”

“How did what go?” she starts skipping again on that little wall. Her gold heels make me wince with how high and dangerous they look. How women can walk on those things blows my mind, even if she does look gorgeous in them.

“Your dinner.” She throws her head my way, part of her upper lip raised in disgust.

“You want to know?” There’s shock in her voice, and I slowly nod my head. I’m dying to know. I hope Evangeline tells me it didn’t go the way I predicted it to go. That it went perfectly or, even better, that her brother decided not to marry her off to that bastard. But considering that it didn’t take long before my phone lit up from her text, it could only mean that Thomas Meyer showed his true colours. That Frederic ignored it all because he has only dollars signs in his eyes already.

If her response isn’t what I hoped it to be, I’ll be seeing red. When it comes to Frederic, I have trouble accepting his words and actions, and I’m certainly not comfortable with giving Thomas the benefit of the doubt. Their previous actions already created a pattern, and I’m just waiting for Evangeline to share everything I already suspected.

“They settled on a date,” she says softly with the light in her eyes disappearing.

“When will it take place?” I ask, fearing her answer.

“In two months.”

“What?” That’s… too soon. Way too soon. It makes it real and I don’t want her to marry that douchebag.

“I know. It’s terrible, just like the rest of that conversation. They just ignored me like I’m not the one getting married against my will,” she whispers, slowing down her skipping to a walk. Her eyes are locked on her shoes.

“Thomas Meyer scares me. He doesn’t respect personal space, that's for sure.” I halt,planting my feet wide. I make her stop as well when my hand tugs on hers. My lips flatten, and the blood starts to boil in my veins.

I have every desire to turn around and smash in Thomas’s face along with her brother’s. I fucking knew Thomas was going to behave like that. That scum can’t keep his hands to himself. If he dared to touch her, I don’t think I could keep myself under control. I already have difficulties seeing the road in front of me.

Her small hand in mine keeps me from exploding.

“I fucking knew it.” I grit my teeth, envisioning how Thomas stood too close. How Thomas looked at her like she was simply a piece of meat. Evangeline deserves the utmost respect, and men like Thomas have none when it comes to women.

“Did he touch you?”

“He hugged me, which was kind of weird.”

“He hugged you?” I repeat. Fucker. A shiver of disgust runs over my body. His dirty hands shouldn’t be anywhere near Evangeline. Of course, he took the first opportunity to touch her.

“There’s a vein pulsing in your neck,” Evangeline says before pointing her finger at it. “Right. There.” Her finger touches a spot on my neck.

“That’s what Thomas Meyer does to me,” I say, tugging her hand from my neck. “If he ever touches you inappropriately, you have to tell me. All right?”

“What are you going to do then? Bash in his face?” she says jokingly, but that’s exactly what I would do.

“Of course.” Her eyes snap my way before they grow large.

“Well, that’s aggressive, and if he ever touches me, I’ll be the first one to hit.”

“Atta, girl.” A surge of pride runs over me when I stare her way. She’s absolutely gorgeous, but it’s Evangeline’s character that truly makes her beautiful. She shines like a star. There’s a pureness in her actions that comes from wanting to do good, or else she wouldn’t have agreed to Frederic’s insane plan.

“Is marriage one of your life’s goals, if you could pick your own fiancé?” I hate the question because somewhere in the back of my mind, I’m scared of what her answer will be.

What if it’s her dream to marry the man she loves? To wear that white dress and let their friends and family celebrate their union?

I swallow loudly and await her answer. What if she says yes? That means that in an alternative universe, we couldn’t be together.

What the bloody hell am I going on about? I don’t want a relationship. I’ll never marry. I’ve never even thought about having a steady girlfriend because I’ve had no desire for it. I’ve never even thought about dating Evangeline. It was always just sex.

But the more time I spend with her, the more I grow to like this silly young woman and her vibrant eyes. I like our conversations because they’re not the ones I have with other people. They’re surprisingly honest, and they throw me for a loop.
