Page 95 of The Highest Bid

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I’ll fight because I can’t let go of the idea of you and me.

Princess, you’re part of my heart as much as I’m part of yours.

I love you.

- C

My heart warms at his words because they’re exactly what I want to hear. There’s hope in them, love and power. Power to fight for what we want. We’ll slay our dragons and figure out together what life holds for us.

I only wish he could be here to fight it with me, because this dreadful moment pulls at my heartstrings. I’m cutting out a part of my heart because my family doesn’t deserve to hold it.

They’ve used and abused it, and now, I’m taking it back. It’s mine.

My future.

The door of the little dressing room next to the church opens. Mum walks inside with a broad smile on her face. She’s dressed to play the part, with her hat and her silver dress.

“It’s almost time,” she says excitedly.

My heart hits my stomach, but on its way, it’s hardened to stone because I see my mother in a different light now. A dark one, and she shares it with my brother.

She walks my way and caresses my shoulders with her hands. Her eyes are filled with happiness when they connect with mine, pure joy shimmering inside them.

Her future looks bright at this moment. She’ll soon have everything her greedy little hands want. Her plan will have worked and my mum and brother will be set for life while I lose every part of my freedom by marrying a man I neither love nor care for.

At least that’s what they believe is going to happen.

But this is my story and I dictate my path now.

My face grows cold and every ounce of sympathy I once had for my mum spills out of me.

“You know Chester Boyd quite well, right, Mum?” I ask with my voice matching my stare. She frowns as her smile is washed away from her face.

“I do, but today is not the day to talk about that awful man. He’s the reason we lost everything,” she easily lies before transfixing another smile on her face.

“Strange,” I mumble, and my eyes catch Topper’s for a second, and he nods to tell me to go on. “I had a chat with him yesterday.”

Mum’s hand slips from my shoulder as she takes a step backwards. Her face falls and panic covers her features. For a second, she attempts to continue lying, but she’s thrown off guard too much to push through the fear.

“You did?” Her voice shakes, and my steel eyes hit hers.

“I did,” I whisper, and my heart slowly starts to race in my chest. I pull up the corners of my lips when I stare at her guilty eyes. My sweaty hands clench into fists as anger courses through me.

“Do you want to know what he confessed to me?” She shakes her head dramatically before she looks over her shoulder, hoping Frederic will save the day. Her eyes search mine, and for a moment, I see regret, but it quickly changes to defeat.

“Chester said Frederic sold company secrets.”

“Evangeline.” Mum’s voice cracks as she steps closer to touch me again, but I’m quick to put distance between us.

“How dare you force me to marry to fix my brother’s mistakes. The mistakes of a criminal. I was going to marry a man I do not love to save my treacherous, lying family,” I say, with my hands trembling and fire burning through me. It breathes life into me and it pushes me forward.

I’m done with them.

“Evangeline, we just wanted to save our family.”

I scoff, rolling my eyes at her.

“Please, you were greedy and wanted to save yourself,” I say firmly, keeping my eyes on hers. Guilt is plastered all over her face and she shakes her head before her soft brown eyes stare into mine.
