Page 97 of The Highest Bid

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“What the fuck happened here?” Moreen says loudly, entering the small room as well. Her eyes fall on my brother.

“How did you get on the floor, nursing your jaw?” Moreen asks, and a laugh spills from my lips.

“I hit him,” Topper says proudly, puffing out his chest.

“You stole my punch,” Chester mumbles under his breath, and I can’t help but run my hand over his cheek to bring that smile back.

“What are you doing here, Chester?” I whisper.

“I’m here to stop the wedding.” My heart stills when the words hit my ears. I blink repeatedly, and I wonder if he truly said that.

His eyes are determined and so is his posture, which shows he’s not going to back down. Shoulders pushed back, and legs slightly spread, he’s ready for a battle.

“You’re too late,” I say, and his smile falls from his lips.

“What?” Dread covers him, and pain is in his eyes before he casts them down. But suddenly, Chester grabs my left hand and inspects it.

“I don’t see a ring.” A small victorious smile covers his face before he winks my way, and I swoon at how charming Chester is. He squeezes my hand before letting go.

“You’re right,” I whisper with love flooding through me. “I won.”

A soft smile is on his face, and he shakes his head slowly, reaching out his hand and dropping it on my cheek.

“As much as I wanted to burst in here to play the hero and demand to marry you—”

“You were going to marry me?” I interrupt him, and a cheeky smile covers his lips.

“I was, princess, because you and I belong together, but this outcome is even better because I get to keep the love of my life by my side to one day give her the wedding she deserves.”

A new future stands in front of me, and he’s all mine. Freedom is mine and it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted, and it's a bonus that it includes Chester as well. I drop my hand in his while my lips stretch into an honest smile.

I love you, he mouths.

I love you too, I mouth back.

“What the hell is going on in here?” Another voice butts in, and I turn my head to look at the person entering the crowded room.


He’s dressed in a stylish black and white suit, ready to marry me, but no such thing is happening today. Yet, my heart does start to race because I don’t know this man. Maybe he has more tricks up his sleeve.

But I don’t need to fear anything because I have people by my side who’ll fight with me and for me, and when Chester squeezes my hand softly, I know I’ll have him by my side forever.

“The wedding is off,” Chester says, turning to face Thomas. Chester’s eyes are burning with anger and disgust for the man who was going to trap me in a loveless marriage.

Thomas laughs and shakes his head.

“You’re wrong, Chester Boyd. This marriage is taking place today. So get the fuck out of here and let us proceed forward,” Thomas snarls, stepping closer to Chester. But my neighbour doesn’t move an inch, and I don’t fear Thomas anymore. I’m filled with confidence and I’m not backing down.

“No, Evangeline is leaving with me,” Chester says loudly for everyone to hear.

“She signed a contract.” Thomas points his finger at me, and my smile grows on my lips because I’m truly winning today.

“No, I didn’t. Frederic signed a contract, but I didn’t give my consent to anything. So that contract of yours is invalid,” I explain, rolling my shoulders back and staring at him with pride surging through me. Thomas swallows and his eyes flicker to Frederic, who has finally pulled himself off the floor.

Thomas is speechless as he looks down at my brother with so much anger in his eyes. The type of anger Frederic possesses as well. They’re cut from the same cloth. His jaw is locked tight and his hands clench into fists.

But it’s Moreen who truly put an end to this conversation. She drops her hand on Thomas’s shoulder.
