Page 118 of The Boy I Once Hated

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I grab the pillow from under my head and scream into it, letting out all the agony I suddenly find myself in. Once I’ve expelled all of it out, I throw the damn thing across the room and focus on trying to get my breathing back in check. Daisy’s words continue to drill a hole into my brain, making it hard to concentrate on anything else.

She deserves better.

She deserves better.


Sky does deserve better, and deep down, I didn’t need Daisy’s reminder to fucking know it. Still, my selfishness rears its ugly head, unable to accept that truth.

Not that it matters anymore.

It’s done.

We’re done.

And the sooner I can wrap that around my thick skull, the better.

I’m doing you a favor, Sky.

Just take it and run.

Run far away.

Because if you don’t, I might just catch you.

And if that happens, I’m not sure I’ll have the strength to let you go.

Chapter 24


Eighteen years old

“Where’s Noah?” my sister bellows, storming into the living room like a woman possessed.

“How would I know?” I retort, mimicking her malicious tone since, unintentionally, Daisy just poured salt into the open wound in my heart by shouting out the name of the boy I’ve been trying very hard to forget even exists. “I’m not my brother’s keeper,” I add with a shrug.

“Ah,” she interjects, plopping down on the couch beside me before knocking the book I was reading out of my hands, making it fly to the carpet. “But Noah isn’t our brother, is he?”

“It’s just something people say, Daisy. God, what is up with you? You’re acting extra bitchy today,” I reprimand, getting up from my seat to pick my book off the floor.

“And you’re not?” She frowns. “You’ve never called me a bitch before.”

“And I didn’t call you one now either.” I roll my eyes. “Again, it’s just something people say. And I said you wereactinglike one, not that you were one.” I let out a frustrated exhale when I realize my outburst might have hurt her. “But you’re right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I guess I’m in a pretty bitchy mood too.” I sigh. “Now, are you going to tell me why you’re so upset or are we just going to bite each other’s heads off for no apparent reason? Because frankly, I’m really not in the best frame of mind for it.”

Daisy picked one hell of a bad day to get on my nerves. I’m already on edge with what happened last night with Noah. I can’t deal with her PMSing and taking whatever has her up in arms out on me. Although, I guess I’m pretty guilty of doing the same thing to her just now.

Damn it.

“Why?” she counters, pulling me out of my guilty subconscious.

“What?” I ask absentmindedly.

“Why are you in a shitty mood?”

“You first.” I arch a brow.
