Page 141 of The Boy I Once Hated

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He hadn't said anything this afternoon about going to a party tonight.

I shake my head and get out of bed, wondering if he's drunk and needs a ride home. I quickly throw some clothes on and then head out into the hallway and down to Daisy's bedroom, knocking on it softly before opening the door.

"Daisy," I whisper. "Can I borrow your car?" She opens one eye and stares at me in a glazed, mostly asleep way.

“Go ahead," she says groggily, waving her hand towards her purse on the floor.

I hesitate for a second, because she didn't even ask me where I'm going, which means she was still basically asleep when she answered, but then I shrug and grab her keys out of her purse anyway.

I just want to get to Noah.

The rest of the house is quiet. Curt and my mom have long since gone to sleep. It's two in the morning, much later than Noah’s ever stayed out since we began seeing each other.

I jog towards the car, trying to get ahold of Noah again, but my call once again is ignored.

By the time I get to Stacy’s mansion, I'm anxious…and annoyed. If he could have just told me what had him so weird this afternoon instead of getting drunk…I thought we were past this kind of thing.

Taking a breath, I head to the door where I can see through the windows that there is a mass of people inside. It seems the party never stops here.

No one gives me any attention when I walk in. Since I know that Derrick is still in Cambridge, this means this rager is all Stacy’s doing. Which also means that the she-devil could appear at any moment to try and kick me out.

I'm determined to find Noah before that happens.

I'm here.

I text him.

He immediately responds.


I'm trying to think of a good reason why he would be upstairs at Stacy's house party, but my mind still doesn't go where I guess it should go. Because I trust him just that much. So when I walk down to the door he texted me to go, and I knock on it, hearing Stacy's voice call for me to enter still doesn't do what it should.

I’m a stupid fool.

It’s only when I open the door and see Noah in bed, lying in a tangle of sheets, that my heart stops. His chest is bare and his hair has that freshly fucked look to it that I've seen so often these last couple of months.

“Noah?” I stammer, right as Stacy walks out of the bathroom in nothing but a pink silk robe.

She shoots me a triumphant look, but I’m still confused as my eyes dart back and forth between them.

He’s staring at me like I’m a stranger. Like I’m nothing.

"What did you do?" I whisper, my limbs starting to feel numb. He smiles at me cruelly as Stacy walks towards me and giggles.

“What do you think he just did?" she says as the collar of her robe slips, revealing that she's naked underneath.

This must be what dying feels like. This is how it feels to have your heart shatter into a million pieces.

I can’t breathe. I can't think. I should be…doing something. But I’m frozen in this place, wondering how this happened. How our story ended up like this.

A part of me still feels like if he just gave me an explanation, I would forgive him, because that's how pathetically over the top in love I am with him.

And then he shatters me even further.

"It’s done,” he says monotonously. “We’re done.”

“Noah, I–everything you’ve said to me…”
