Page 142 of The Boy I Once Hated

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"I said… it’s done,” he repeats, speaking right over me.

The gaunt thin smile on his face makes him look like a stranger to me. Makes him look like he was never mine to begin with.

"What’s done?" I finally breathe out.

“God, you’re pathetic,” Stacy laughs, bored with our interaction. “What type of stalker are you when you can’t even acknowledge what’s right in front of your face? Not that I should be surprised. You didn’t even know what was happening with your own family and you were living with them twenty-four-seven.”

My forehead wrinkles at what she’s going on about now.

“Jesus, you’re so fucking clueless that you take out all the fun in this.” She sighs. “Your family is broke. Like crippling debt broke. Like almost losing your house broke.”

“I don’t understand,” I whisper, my gaze fixed on Noah’s instead of her penetrating one.

“God, you’re so full of yourself that you didn’t even realize what was going on under your own roof. When Noah’s mom died she left a mountain of health bills behind. A skyscraper of an amount.”

“What does that—"

“Have to do with Noah?” she finishes for me with a sadistic smile. “Everything. Because I made it all go away. Just like that.” She snaps her fingers to drive the point home. “I did that for him. Because I could. Because I had the means to do so. What do you have? What could you possibly offer him that I couldn’t?”


The word burns in my throat, but I don’t dare utter it. Not here. Not now.

“Wake up, Skylar.” She claps her hands in front of me, to pull my attention away from the boy who knowingly is breaking my heart. “This is the real world. Not some fairytale book you’re writing. And in the real world, I get the guy. Not you.”

I shake my head, not believing what I’m hearing.

“You see, I’m his meal ticket out of this island. I know it and so does he. That’s why he always comes back to me. Always. You were just an itch he had to scratch. A minor inconvenience I had to tolerate. But it’s over now. The real world is banging at your front door and it's about time you let it in.”

The tears are sliding down my face. I don't feel like it's me standing here. I feel like this is someone else's story, a nightmare perhaps. Except I'm not waking up.

"See you later, little stalker. It's been fun," Noah says with another awful thin smile.

I back out of the room, my eyes still locked on his. As Stacy turns her back to me, moving towards the bed to give him a kiss, I turn…

And I run.

I couldn't tell you who was downstairs, or how I got to the car, or even how I got home.

But somehow I end up in Daisy’s room, practically shrieking as I throw myself on the floor by her bed.

She shoots up, wiping sleep from her eyes.

"Skylar? What is it?" She reaches out for me, but I flinch away. It feels like if she touches me, I won't be able to handle it. My nerves are splintering. I'm splintering. I've never felt pain like this before.

"I found him. He was in bed with Stacy," I whimper.

"Excuse me. What? Who was in bed with Stacy?" she asks, confused.

"We were together. He told me he loved me. He promised me forever." The word sounds pathetic and fantastical even as they leave my mouth, but I believed him.

Oh, how I believed him.

“Noah? Did Noah do this to you?” My sister growls, slipping away from her bed and going to her knees in front of me on the floor. My painstaking expression is all the answer she needs to hear. "That motherfucker," she spits. "I'm going to kill him!"

But that just sets off a new round of tears. Because I feel like that's what's happened to me.

He's killed me.
