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No fear.

Like that shit is easy.

It is hot, though.

Although the sun has already set, the night’s heat is still unbearable. I shift from one foot to another, my gaze falling on the kids inside the pool who are having a blast with my sister in their midst. If I didn’t have a deathly fear of water, I might have said fuck it and just took a page out of Daisy’s handbook. Unfortunately, I can’t swim to save my life, and I doubt anyone here would save me from drowning if I so much as tried to follow my sister’s command.


The water does look tempting.

No fear.

Screw it.

When in Rome, I guess.

Ever so carefully, I lower myself to the edge of the pool and sit down, raising my dress just enough to get my legs wet. I close my eyes and hum in delight.

This isn’t so bad.

Not bad at all.

I can do this.

Iamdoing this.

When I open my lids back up, I see that Daisy is on the other side of the pool, being pulled up by her arms by none other than Stacy’s older brother, Derrick. When she’s fully out of the pool, he wraps her up in a beach towel, and then presses his hand on her lower back, urging her into the house.

The conspiring looks they give each other tell me and everyone else in the near vicinity that Stacy’s big brother is Daisy’s pick of the night. I chuckle under my breath and promise myself I won’t hurt her game by ending her fun for at least a few hours. Three hours is plenty of time for Daisy to do whatever she does at these things. And it’s also enough time to appease her sisterly duty of trying to get me to have the full teenage experience of going to my first high school party.

Three hours.

I can survive three hours.

But just as I think this, I feel two delicate hands grip my shoulders, nails sinking into my skin.

I turn my head over my shoulder and come face to face with the hostess of this godforsaken party.

“I don’t remember inviting your skanky ass to my party. But now that you’re here…” Stacy smiles menacingly at me, and before I can prevent it, she pushes me into the pool.

As my whole body becomes submerged underwater, and my chest burns for breath, the last thought that runs through my head is how anticlimactic it is that this is how I die—at a fucking high school party.

Fuck my life.

Chapter 12


Seventeen years old

I'm lying bored in a pool chair, aimlessly scrolling through my phone, when Daisy’s loud voice reaches my ears.

“POOL PARTY!” she shouts, before jumping into the pool, making everyone cheer her on.

“That girl has too much energy for her own good.” I smirk, watching her put on a show.
