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“God, your sisters are so weird,” Stacy mumbles in irritation beside me.

“They’re not my sisters,” I retort evenly.

“Your dad married their mom, didn’t he? Then they are your sisters,” she snarls, nostrils flaring. “I have no idea why Derrick even invited her. She’s so…so…extra.”

He invited Daisy because, like the rest of the guys at our school, he wants to get into her panties, but I keep that remark to myself or risk pissing Stacy off more than she already is. As much as my girlfriend hates it, not only is Daisy a total knockout but she’s also cool as fuck. Is it any wonder that all of Bayshore High fell head over heels in love with her the minute she stepped foot into its halls? I think not. Stacy has to get over it already and just deal.

"Oh God, she brought the reject with her,” Stacy groans. “I’m going to kill my brother. Argh!”

While Stacy is having a total meltdown, my gaze discreetly falls to the jittery figure standing by the pool watching her big sister be the life of the party. Sky looks like a deer caught in the headlights.

“That’s it. I have to get something to drink if I have to put up with those two being in my house. You want anything, babe?”

I shake my head.

She pecks my cheek with a kiss and then sashays her way back into her house. But my eyes aren’t on my girlfriend as they should be. They’re on Sky. Daisy splashes in the water, urging her sister to join her.

“Don’t do it, Sky,” I order her in my head, and I let out a sigh of relief when she makes no move to take off her dress to join her sister.

Instead, she hurries to pick up Daisy’s discarded clothes for safe keeping. My forehead creases, wondering why she looks petrified as she slowly lowers herself onto the pool’s edge to sit down. But just as my curiosity is piqued by the look of fear in her eyes, it vanishes completely when she starts pulling her dress up over her thighs in order to prevent it from getting wet. She dips her long legs into the pool, coaxing my mouth to run dry as she runs her hands up those tanned thighs. When she dunks her hand into the pool and then sprinkles droplets of water over them, making her thighs glisten, my chest tightens. Sky closes her eyes, her head falling back as she enjoys how the water cools her down. Which is fucking ironic since suddenly my skin feels like it’s too hot to bear.


Stacy was right.

Sky had no business coming to this party.

But just as the thought crosses my mind, I see my girlfriend go to her haunches just behind Sky. I’m not sure what she whispers in her ear, but what she does next has me standing up from my seat in an instant. Stacy pushes Sky into the water, the look of terror back in her silver eyes before the water takes her under. I look around and curse when no one even registers what Stacy just did, too preoccupied in getting drunk and hooking up. I start counting down my heartbeats, waiting for Sky to swim to the surface, my hands balling into fists beside me.

“Come on, Skylar,” I whisper through gritted teeth, while everyone continues to have a grand old time.

Unable to take it any longer, I step closer to the pool, trying to see if I can catch a glimpse of her. Each second that passes where she doesn’t come up feels like a fucking eternity. And then finally, I see her, struggling under the water, trying to pull herself up and failing miserably at it.

I don’t think.

I just act.

Flinging myself into the pool, I dive in, the loud burst of cheers from my idiot friends the last thing I hear before I hit the water. My calves and hamstrings begin to burn as I kick and swim toward the other side of the pool, panic setting in as I find Sky at the very bottom. The deathly fear in her eyes when she sees me approaching will haunt me for all my days.


Instead of believing I came to her rescue, it’s clear as day she thinks I’m here to end her for good. My suspicion is confirmed when she starts shaking her head, water filling her mouth as she screams for help. She slaps my hands away when I try to grab her waist, but luckily, I’m faster and stronger, wrapping my arm around her and pulling us up to the surface. Sky gasps for air, coughing up the water that made it into her lungs, as she holds onto my shoulders with all the strength she has. I swim us to the pool’s ladder, hoisting her up with brutish force.

“Get out,” I bark at her.

Trembling, she does as she’s told, shock making her moves so uncoordinated, it takes her a minute to grab onto the rail. When she finally has a good grip on the ladder, she begins to pull herself up, her golden body glistening under the white soaked fabric of her dress. The material clings to her body in a way that I can see every nook and cranny, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination. The guttural sound that rips through my chest must have been loud enough to catch her attention, because she suddenly stops mid-step, throwing her head over her shoulder to look at me. The furious expression on my face must chill her to the bone because she finds her footing again and quickly picks up the pace. When her feet are back on solid ground, I hold on to the bars and lift myself up behind her.

Sky is still gasping for breath, her body and hair dripping wet on the floor. The growl I let out when we’re toe to toe facing each other sends a cold shiver down her spine.

Or maybe it’s not you at all, dipshit.

Maybe she’s trembling because she thought you were about to make sure she drowned.


Infuriated, I grab her by the elbow and march her into the house, looking for the closest free bathroom I can find.

“Where are we going?” she stammers, her voice coming out throaty from all the coughing she did a few seconds ago.
