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“What’s that?”

“I have an extra jersey with my number on it…think I could get you to wear it for the game?” he asks hopefully.

It is too much, but I find myself saying yes, especially when Stacy walks by, hitting my shoulder as she passes.

And that’s how I end up here, sitting in the stands with a giant number twenty-two on my jersey while the raucous crowd around me screams and cheers for my date.

“Isn’t this great?” yells Daisy, trying to be heard over the crowd.

“Yeah. Great,” I respond, attempting to not sound too sarcastic.

What is wrong with me?

I mean, I know I’m different. But there just has to be someone else in this school that has the overwhelming desire to stay home and curl up in a comfy armchair with a book instead of being at a high school basketball game, cheering on a bunch of jocks?

The crowd cheers when Kyle makes another basket and this time, he points to where I’m sitting, like he's dedicating the score to me. Even though it’s a sweet gesture, I can’t help but wish I was anywhere else than here. Still, I plant a fake smile, not wanting to hurt his feelings.

As the game continues, one thing becomes crystal clear.

The school loves Kyle.

I’ve learned that the school's basketball team is kind of a big deal. We suck at football, but the basketball team can actually hold its weight against the bigger schools on the mainland. And with Kyle on our team, there is no question that we’re winning tonight.

When the other team gets the ball and makes their way to the other side of the court, I decide now is the perfect time for a little break. .

"I'm going to go get a Diet Coke," I say to Daisy.

She nods, even though I'm not sure she actually heard me, too consumed with watching the game play out. I stand up and start to make my way down the steps, praying that I don't trip and give the school another thing to talk about.

It’s much quieter in the hallway, and I let out a sigh of relief that I can enjoy some peace and quiet. I decide to go to the bathroom before I find the concession stand, but the line for the main ladies room is thirty people long… And I suddenly really need to pee.

I decide to try the one farther down the hallway, on the other side of the gym, even though the lights aren’t on over there. I can still hear the faint roar of the crowd, but it is a bit creepy walking down the empty dark hallway.

A girl’s gotta do what she’s gotta do though.

I walk into the empty bathroom and choose a stall to use. I’ve just begun to pee when I think I hear the main door open, another smart person deciding to avoid the line.

After I flush and open up the door…I realize it's not another girl that's come in.

It's Noah.

He smirks at the obvious shock on my face, but I quickly recover and try to look nonchalant as I walk to the sink to wash my hands.

"I wasn't aware that you’re a lady, Noah, although I guess you do have a penchant for visiting our bathrooms." I'm referring of course to the memorable bathroom experience with our waitress when our parents got married.

He's leaning against the wall, his arms crossed in front of his chest, a tendril of golden hair falling in his face. He's of course not wearing a school T-shirt, because he's far too cool for that. Instead, his tight black shirt is stretched across a chest that seems to have bulked up over the last year.

He's gorgeous, and the scowl on his face only adds to the yearning in my chest, because I'm nothing if not a masochist.

I dry my hands and move towards the door, but I'm stopped with a single word from his lips.

"Skylar," he purrs, and it's amazing how he can make my name sound so dangerous.

I slowly turn towards him, anticipation and dread singing through my veins. It feels like even though he's hell-bent on destroying me, he's also giving me life. Evidently, the pain of our interactions is what I need to keep going.

"Noah," I respond breathily.

He moves forward, his movements smooth and almost sensual as he stalks towards me. I can't help but back up, until I'm pressed against the cold tile wall as he hovers over me.
