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I walk into English and see Kyle sitting there, doodling on a notepad.

"Hi," I say brightly, or as brightly as I'm capable of. His head shoots up and he stares at me, confused, something I don't blame him for.

I'm not sure that I've ever actually initiated a conversation between the two of us as of late. I've always made him talk to me first.

"Hi," he says carefully. "How was your weekend?"

"Not bad," I lie. "Yours?"

It's really impressive how bad I am at this—small talk and all of that. But he doesn't seem to notice that.

He takes a deep breath and leans forward. “There's a party after my basketball game on Friday. Would you want to come with me… And maybe watch the game beforehand?"

“No,” is on the tip of my tongue, because there's very little that I would want to do less.

But last Friday’s lessons are buzzing around my head, and I know what my answer has to be.

"Sounds good," I say casually as the teacher stands up to take roll.

Kyle pretends to almost fall out of his seat, catching himself on the edge of his desk. "I'm sorry, did you say…yes to me?" he teases.

I roll my eyes. "Don't push your luck," I flirt, butterflies zinging around inside of me not because of any emotions he's making me feel, but because I'm impressed…with myself.

"It's a date."

The butterflies flare up at the word ‘date’, but if I'm going to go out with anyone, it's going to be him. For some reason, this handsome, popular guy hasn't joined the ranks of the students in this school desperate to make my life hell. And he's actually stuck up for me a few times.

It's not the worst I could do.

"It's a date," I repeat, ignoring the huge smile that blossoms on his face.

Friday night’s social event hangs over my head for the rest of the week. Daisy’s absolutely over the moon that I'm going to the game and the after party as she’s already made plans to be there.

Although I'm supposed to be grounded, Daisy convinces our mom that this is what I need, using the ‘bullying story’ to wheedle her into letting me get out of the house, even though my mother's doing her best to ignore the reality of it. I think her letting me go also has a lot to do with what Daisy accused her of. Guilt has a way of making my mother more lenient it seems.

But while my mother is all too happy to sweep things under the rug, Daisy isn’t as forgiving.

She’s tried numerous times to coax the truth out of what really happened last Friday, but so far I’ve managed to evade her probing questions. So even though it must drive her mad, we still haven’t had the talk on why I just packed up my stuff and got on the first ferry out of Thatcher’s Bay. And if I have it my way, we never will. Admitting to Daisy how low I actually was that day will only serve as a reminder of how dark my thoughts can take me. I don’t ever want to go there again. Not if I can help it.

"You can sit with me for the game and then go with Kyle to the after party. And I can save you the second you say so," Daisy promises, obviously still concerned.

I nod determinedly, keeping my mind away from what happened at the last party I attended. At least I know I’m never going to repeat that particular mistake again.

* * *

It’s Friday and Kyle’s followed me down the hallway after class. As we pass Noah, he slips his arm around my shoulder. I stiffen and do my best not to give him the side eye. This is what I want, right?

It’s healthy to have relationships.

But even as I think it, my gaze flicks to Noah who’s leaning back against the lockers, his eyes locked on me as his band of admirers hover around him like flies around spoiling meat.

I tear my gaze from his and turn and flash Kyle a smile.

“So…I may have another request, just because I can’t help but push my luck,” he says, nerves evident in his voice.

It’s that sound that finally allows me to relax.

Assholes don’t get nervous…right?
