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“Fuck you,” she curses through my fingers.

“You fucking wish I would. Nah, Sky. You haven’t earned my dick yet.”

When her nostrils flare with contempt, my cock disagrees with my comment, stirring awake and making the small, titillating idea of revenge in my mind blossom to new and unexpected heights.

“You want to watch me, Sky? Then pay the fuck up. It’s about time you got a taste of your own medicine.” Seeing the resolve in my glare, she starts wrestling under my grip to break free, but I’m not having it. “Tsk, tsk,” I taunt, my adrenaline spiking higher than racing my bike down a deserted street ever did. “I’m not fucking leaving here until you give me what I want. Those are the rules.”

“Fuck your rules,” she mouths, her loathsome stare piercing through mine.

“Fine,” I relent, taking my hands off her while stepping away from her just an inch, enough for my face to align with hers. “Don’t give me a show then.” I shrug nonchalantly. “However, I’m not sure what your mother and my asshole of a father will think when they find out you asked me into your bedroom in the dead of night.”

“I didn’t ask you to come here! You barged in!” she hollers, pushing my shoulders so I can give her more room to breathe.

I stay rooted to my spot, inclining my head to the side, licking my lips before throwing her a devilish smirk.

“That’s not the story I’ll tell them. My memory might not be all that sharp, but I expressly remember you waiting up for me to get home, and then making sure I followed you back into your bedroom. Alone.”

“That’s not what happened at all,” she blurts out, appalled.

“Are you saying you didn’t wait up for me?” I arch a brow, taking a further step back. “Or that you weren’t hiding at the top of the stairs just waiting for me to come up?”

“I wasn’t waiting for you.”

“No. You weren’t.” I glower, crossing my arms over my chest. “You were just getting your kicks by eavesdropping on other people’s private conversations. I’m not sure that Mommy Dearest is going to like learning how her precious girl is a freak who gets off on other people’s misery.”

“Please,” she states sarcastically with an eye roll while mimicking my form by crossing her arms over her chest, her futile attempt at trying to look intimidating. “You’re not miserable. You’re just bored.”

“Is that what you think I am? Bored?” I laugh menacingly.

“Yes,” she deadpans unapologetically.

With our gazes still fixed on one another, I walk over to her bed and fall flat on my back, crossing my arms behind my head on her pillow.

“You think you know me that well, don’t you, Sky? Please enlighten me then. Why do you think I’m bored?”

She chews on her fat bottom lip, her gaze bouncing from me over to the wide open door I kicked in, wondering if she’s fast enough to close it before someone catches us in here together. Her mom and sister might be sound asleep, but she knows as well as I do that my father is still downstairs with the sheriff and that at any minute, he’ll make his way upstairs and pass by her bedroom door.

It’s no secret that Sky and I have hated each other since the moment we met, but if my father were to catch me in my stepsister’s bedroom like this, sprawled comfortably on her bed like I’ve done this a million times before, it would be enough to plant the seed of doubt in his mind. He might not like the fact that we never got along, but he would hate it even more if he thought we had been fucking like bunnies under his roof all this time without anyone being the wiser. The idea that I could piss him off and rattle Sky’s cage in the same breath has me doubling down on my resolve to see her squirm.

“If that’s bothering you, feel free to close it. I’m in no hurry,” I retort, throwing a glance at the open door while making myself even more comfortable in her bed by kicking off my boots and letting them drop with a loud thud on her floor.

It’s not like a locked door will stop my father from getting in if he feels something is amiss. I know that much. He’s barged in enough times over the years when he thought I was up to no good. Little Miss Perfect here won’t deter him from doing the same to her if he feels she’s pulling a fast one on him.

Sky throws me an icy glare before hurrying to close her door, locking it this time just to be safe. I can’t help but smile widely at her poor survival instincts, since it’s fucking ironic she feels the true threat lies outside her bedroom walls and not within them.

“Now that’s done, how about you tell me just how bored I am? I’m dying to see how fucking insightful you think you are.”

Her upper lip curls at the corner of her mouth to show her discontent, but like a moth drawn to a flame, she pushes herself away from the door and slowly walks toward me until she’s standing halfway in front of me. I try my best to keep my triumphant grin in check, but she sure doesn’t make it easy with the way her bravado has increased tenfold now that she feels no one will discover us alone in here together.

A fool’s bravery if I ever saw one.

“You get off on being reckless because that’s the only thing that makes you feel alive,” she starts to explain, unimpressed. “You surround yourself with friends that think you’re some kind of god, so you can’t count on them to give it to you straight or even challenge you in the least. You hate school because you’re mostly bad at it, so academics don’t bring you any kind of joy. And since you think you’re too cool for sports, any athletic ventures constitute a waste of time in your book.”

My arrogant smile remains intact as she goes through her list of reasons, acting as if she has a direct line to my inner thoughts, when I never gave her such a privilege.

“You think you’re above everyone else, so no matter how hard you try to connect with anyone, you end up being disappointed because no one measures up to your high expectations. And don’t even get me started on your vapid and shallow girlfriend, whose only purpose is to look pretty hanging on your arm.”

“Don’t forget she has to look pretty good on her knees too,” I interject with a mocking grin, knowing exactly how to ruffle my nemesis’s feathers.
