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I've always known that my sister loves me. It's been the two of us through all the crazy things that have happened with our parents, but a part of me, the part of me that always says I'm not good enough, never imagined how important I could be to anyone. Not even my own flesh and blood.

Daisy seems most of the time to be larger than life. The main character of every book you’re going to read. I guess I'd always thought of myself as a small side character in her story, certainly not…her person.

And when Daisy abruptly bursts into tears, I'm even more shocked.

Because Daisy doesn't cry. Ever.

"Of course you’re my person. I wouldn't even know what to do without you," she sobs. "Don't you ever, ever scare me like that again." Her hands grip onto the hospital bed, jostling it as she makes her point. "Promise me," she practically growls.

And I mean, it's a hard thing to promise someone that you’re not going to accidentally eat something you had no knowledge of in the first place…but obviously, I'll say whatever I have to, if only to wipe the fear off my beautiful strong sister’s face.

"I promise," I murmur softly.

She reaches up to her cheeks and wipes at her tears almost angrily, like they've betrayed her or something. My heart hurts seeing her this way. So fragile. So uncertain. This is not the girl who acts like she couldnt give a flying fuck about anything. This is the big sister who would go to the ends of the earth to protect me. To hell itself if need be.

"How are you feeling though?" she asks, once she's gathered her composure.

I try stretching my arms and I wince at how sore my insides feel for some reason, like I've thrown up a million times and they're sore from the effort. I also feel exhausted, like I’ve run a marathon with no training, not that I’d do something like run a marathon though, obviously.

"Tired," I finally answer.

My stomach chooses that moment to growl. "And apparently…hungry."

She looks happy about that.

"That's a good sign. The doctor said that was a good sign.” She leaps up from her chair. “I’m going to try to find someone and get you something to eat. Just stay right there."

Like I have a choice.

Daisy darts out of the room and I settle back against my pillows, staring around at the stark whiteness around me. I think I read somewhere that they did most hospital rooms in white because it was supposed to be a calming experience for a sick person. But I could do with a splash color at the moment.

"You’re awake," says a very relieved voice from the doorway. Noah’s very relieved voice.

I glance towards the sound and find him leaning against the doorway. It's impossible to miss how exhausted he looks, just like Daisy.

"I'm up," I confirm, feeling shy. The last thing I can remember is him hovering over me, and now knowing that he saved my life….

He takes a few steps into the room, tentative ones.

"I —" Noah starts before trailing off and sighing as he looks down, unable to meet my eyes. "I thought you were going to die," he finally finishes.

I don't answer him. I'm too busy just staring at him, caught in his web like I always am when he's around. Like he's the sun and I’m a solitary planet, caught in his orbit.

"I thought you were going to die," he repeats again, and this time a tremble travels all the way through his body.

"I'm here," I soothe, wishing I could just gather him into my arms. “I’m not going anywhere.”

He turns towards me, and our gazes lock. There's so much unsaid in his blue depths. Things that I long for him to say, but of course he doesn't.

He clears his throat and the moment is broken. "They're doing an investigation at the school. There weren't any pecans in that salad."

"So someone put them in there," I say the words he's left unsaid. I should feel shocked, or maybe terrified…but instead, I just feel tired.

He opens his mouth to say something else, but then there's a knock at the door, and a nervous looking Kyle is standing there.

"What are you doing here, you piece of shit?" Noah growls, baring his teeth and taking a step towards him with a clenched fist like he is going to knock him out.

Kyle’s eyes widen at Noah’s ferocity and he holds up both hands in front of him. "Whoa, Noah I'm just here to check on your sister. I don't want to start anything."

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