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“Oh, we’re going to be starting something alright," Noah spits before he lunges forward and tackles Kyle back out into the hallway.

The familiar sound of flesh pounding flesh tells me that they’re exchanging hits. I hear someone yell in the hallway for them to stop as I scramble to sit up to see what’s happening. When I finally manage to do so, I catch a glimpse of them through the doorway, Noah relentless with each punishing punch. Kyle rears back and catches Noah in the eye…a hit I’m sure is going to leave a mark. Before Noah can retaliate, the security guards arrive, pulling the fumbling boys off of each other.

"Noah! What the hell are you doing!" I hear Curt bark, even though I can see him from where I’m sitting.

As if Curt's voice is a pin, and Noah is a balloon, Noah’s body deflates at the sound of his father’s voice.

Kyle’s face is red and pinched as he stands there, his arms still held by a security guard in a beige uniform. He's telling everyone about how Noah attacked him out of the blue.

My mother appears in the doorway. “What’s going on?” she says sharply, eyeing the scene in front of her before her gaze dips to my bed.

“Skylar! Oh, sweetheart. You’re awake!” she cries, hustling into the room, completely forgetting the scene behind her. Coffee sloshes out of her too full cup as she walks.

I smile at her, but I’m distracted, my gaze captured on Noah. I can’t hear what everyone’s saying, but finally, the security guard lets Noah go. Noah strides away without a look back, ignoring Curt calling out for him. Kyle heads in the opposite direction once he’s released, apparently no longer wanting to check up on me. Not that it bothers me. In fact, I feel relieved that he’s decided to go home instead of extending his hospital visit.

Mom is at my side, holding my hand when Curt walks into the room, his gaze widening when he sees me.

“Skylar! I’m so glad you’re awake.”

“Is everything okay?” I ask, ignoring his relieved remark. “With Noah? Is everything okay with Noah?”

“Everything’s fine,” Curt says defeated. “Noah can handle himself just fine. He doesn’t need you to worry about him. Like he likes to remind me, he doesnt need anyone,” he adds sullenly, brushing his son away like he always does.

Curt misses the magic I see in Noah. And in that moment, I feel bad for him.

I feel bad for them both.

I’m saved from further conversation by the arrival of the doctor and a still harried looking Daisy.

The doctor examines me and decides he wants to keep me in the hospital for just a few more hours for observation, and then I’ll be able to go home. All the while, I stare at the door counting down the seconds until Noah comes to see me again.

But he never returns.

* * *

It's midnight, and I can't sleep. Considering that's all I've been doing since my pecan incident, my lack of sleeplessness feels warranted.

Daisy wanted to sleep in my room tonight, but I sent her away. I'm not even sure why.

Or maybe I do know.

Maybe it’s because I'm hoping thathe'llcome to my room.


Everyone else in the house has gone to bed, and as far as I know, he hasn't even come home from wherever he went after the hospital.

Maybe I imagined it all. Maybe I imagined the pain in his gaze, the worry etched in his features. Maybe I'm trying to read into something that doesn't actually exist.

But just as the somber thought begins to take root, there's a soft knock on the door. Immediately, anticipation rushes through me.

"Come in," I whisper, not bothering to ask who it is.

My body knows who it is. I think I could sense him anywhere now.

Sure enough, when the door opens, it's Noah’s large form slipping into the room. He hovers by the door, not saying anything.

Until finally, the darkness allows me to be brave.
