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“A life?” he laughed cruelly. “What life is that, exactly? Playing a stupid game on ice? That's not a life, Lincoln. That's called a waste of time."

I bristled at his words, feeling a surge of defensiveness. "Not that this should be news to you–since we’ve had this conversation before–but hockey isn’t a waste of time. It's my passion, my career. I make millions, without you involved in any way."

My father snorted in disdain. "Passion? Career? You're nothing but a glorified monkey, dancing around for the entertainment of the masses."

My blood boiled at his insults. "You have no idea what you're talking about," I growled.

“Your brother waseverything. He was born to lead this company. And because of you, he’s gone now. The future I built has disappeared. And if you think I’ll let my sniveling spare ruin my plans even more than you already fucking have, you’re out of your fucking mind. You will go on a date with that girl. Youwillfuck her. And then her fatherwillagree to the terms of the contract I want. And that is how it’s going to be.”

I leaned forward, trying to ignore the way his words sliced into my fucking soul. I made sure to keep my gaze locked on his. “You’re the one out of yourfuckingmind.”

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Boy. I own you, and I can destroy you just as easily."

I jumped from the couch, a cold shiver running down my spine at his words. It was true that my father held all the power in our relationship. Hell, he held most of the power in this fucking country. A day didn’t pass where I didn’t feel like I was walking on eggshells around him.

But not today. Today, I'd had enough. "I'm done with this," I said firmly. "I'm leaving."

My father's eyes bulged out in surprise. "What? You’re not fucking walking out of here."

My eyes blazed. "Watch me."

I sauntered out of the room, my head held high, but as soon as I made it down the forty fucking floors, through the pretentious lobby, and out into the street…I found a trashcan and puked.

Every time he brought up Tyler like that, he rocked me.

I stood there, taking huge gulping breaths, my insides quaking.

My phone buzzed, and I fumbled to get it out of my pocket.

Hope you’re having a good day, Monroe’s text read.

Immediately, the nausea and dread dissipated. She was such a fucking sweetheart.

I had to go to her street, I needed to catch a glimpse of her.

With one glimpse of her, I knew everything would be okay.



My cell rang, and I winced when I saw who it was.

“Monroe, darling," my boss purred. Crap, I already knew what she was calling about. Clarice was the head of the catering company I worked at, and the only time she deigned to speak to me was when she needed employees.

And I’d already worked every night this week.

“Hey Clarice, what do you need?” I asked, assuming my professional voice.

“I just need one little itsy, bitsy favor from you, dear…”


“We got called in last minute to cover some fancy party downtown. Apparently, the other company didn't have suitable vegan options, so you know it's one ofthoseparties. It'll take twice as much staff as usual to cover it, and I’m short. Can you help out?" She was presenting it like a question, but I knew Clarice well enough to hear the warning in her voice. If I didn’t say yes, I wouldn’t be working for her anymore.

"Of course. I can be downtown in an hour," I responded, feeling like I was going to burst into tears because I was so fucking tired.

"Make that forty minutes, please," she snapped, before rattling off the address like she was doing me a favor.
