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Clarice hung up without a goodbye. I sighed and hopped off my bed, the weight of the day heavy on my shoulders.

Here we go again…

* * *

Forty minutes later, I’d made it downtown, having to use precious funds to catch a cab since there were no buses that could get me there on time.

I walked up the stairs of the back entrance of the hotel, into the familiar scene of a kitchen filled with a whirlwind of activity, with cooks yelling and pans clattering. It was a different kitchen with every gig, but there was always the scent of searing meat mixed with the tang of fresh herbs and spices, creating a mouth-watering aroma that lingered in the air. Despite the chaos, there was a method to the madness, with each of the company’s chefs working in perfect synchronization to create culinary masterpieces that drove guests crazy. It was a symphony of culinary talent, a well-choreographed dance of pots and pans that was nothing short of mesmerizing.

At least it would be if I hadn’t seen it a million freaking times.

I smiled when I saw that Caleb had also been called in. He was my favorite person to work with on the team. Caleb was a huge flirt who somehow succeeded in never making you uncomfortable. He was one of those people I could've seen myself actually being friends with, or even dating, if I ever allowed myself anything like that.

Staring at him now, though, he didn't seem quite as handsome as usual.

I blamed Lincoln’s stupid abs.

"She dragged you here tonight, too?" he asked, eyeing me appreciatively.

"I don’t want to talk about it," I moaned in exasperation.

He nodded. “I can't say I'm mad about it," he murmured with a wink. We tied on the violet colored catering aprons over our goofy white button ups and organized the trays.

"Man, this must be a nice party. They made the garlic crusted crab cakes,” Caleb said appreciatively. I nodded, not caring one way or another how fancy the party was. I just hoped there'd be some leftovers we’d be able to take home with us so I could hold off on grocery shopping, aka ramen shopping, for a couple more days.

A buzz in my back pocket had me reaching for my phone. It was Lincoln.

Lincoln: Wish you were here.

My cheeks flushed with heat as I read those four words, and I couldn’t help but smile to myself. It was like a bolt of electricity running through me, giving me a warmth I couldn’t deny. It was a feeling of excitement, of anticipation, of hope. And just like that, my smile dimmed. Because I knew I was falling for him.

And I knew I’d regret it.

I should meet him in person. Get it over with. Find out once and for all if he was some complete weirdo, and if I needed to lose something that had become so weirdly important to me.

Clarice came hustling into the kitchen, dressed in a glamorous black, floor length gown, stress thick on her brow. "What are you all doing standing around?" she screeched. "The guests are arriving. Get out there.”

I picked up the crab cakes and Caleb lifted a pair of pear stuffed gorgonzola pastries–weird sounding, but delicious tasting.

"Here we go," he tossed at me with a wink before we headed into a glamorous ballroom.

I wasn’t usually impressed by fancy things–my mother’s “fancy visitors” had cured me of that when I was young–but my throat caught as I stared around at the glittery surroundings. The marble floors shone like glass, reflecting the sparkling chandeliers above. The room was alive with the sounds of music and chatter, and the air was heavy with the scent of expensive perfumes and colognes.

As I walked through the crowd carrying my tray of food, I was surrounded by a sea of designer gowns and tuxedos. I wasn’t very up on celebrities, but I could tell the attendees were big time, up there on the list of wealthy elite. The atmosphere was electric with excitement, and I couldn't help but feel…completely out of place.

The tables were draped in crisp white linen, adorned with towering floral arrangements and glittering centerpieces. Other members of the staff floated through the room, offering trays of elaborate hors d'oeuvres and drinks. The champagne flowed freely, and the guests were all smiles and laughter.

As I made my way further into the ballroom, I caught sight of the stage where a band was setting up. When a woman laughed hysterically nearby, already drunk despite the event just starting…I wondered. What was it like to not worry about keeping a roof over your head? Or going to the grocery store and getting whatever you wanted—not that any of these people would be shopping for themselves.

I was being a bit judgy, but I couldn't help but think about it.

“Ooh, are those crab cakes?” a deep voice called from behind me. I turned around, a blush hitting my cheeks at the gorgeous man in front of me. He was tall, at least 6’3, with wild black hair and piercing green eyes that lazily glanced down my body. He was wearing a very fitted tuxedo that showcased the fact he was seriously built. A tattoo peeked out from his stiff collar.

There was a spark in his eyes, almost like he recognized me, but it disappeared.

“Ok, now I’m wishing I had made the mistake,” he muttered, his gaze catching on my face.

