Page 111 of Ruthless Sinner

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It would be so easy to do it. He’s right there.

It would be a ten second job. I’d pull my gun and blow out his brains. He’d be dead.

But what would I lose?

The fact that all this time has passed and Virgo and I are none the wiser of what this man is up to tells me I definitely need to find out his secrets. To do so, I need him alive.

Jason turns to face me a crude expression on his face. But there's something more lurking in his eyes. Something that looks like anger.

Just from that I can tell already that Matthew's got to him and he knows Serenity and me. Normally he has a cool exterior when dealing with me. It’s a façade of shit I always see through.

“Dante.” He says my name without emotion.

“Jason.” I borrow the same tone.

“Interesting. I was hoping I'd get a chance to speak with you privately. Looks like luck is on my side.”

He wishes luck was on his side. It isn't. His days are numbered, but I’ll play.

“Is that right?” I move closer and stop a few paces away from him. “What did you want to see me about?”

A tick throbs in his jaw. That's his tell that he’s pissed as fuck.

He can’t stand me, but I know deep down he’s scared of me. He knows I’m the beast held back by the chains of business and protocol. And he knows I could kill him if I wanted to.

“I’ve been informed that you’ve been seeing my daughter.” His jaw clenches and I truly wonder if he’s going to grow a pair of balls big enough to give me the leave-my-little-girl-alone speech.

“Oh really?” I don’t deny it. I never deny things like that because the people making the accusation already have the answers. They just want to hear what you have to say.

“Don’t bullshit me, boy. I know you are. My source was very reliable and happens to be the manI’vechosen to marry my daughter. So, I need you to end whatever shit you have going on with her.” He’s talking to me as if I’m one of his minions.

Normally, I show respect for people’s parents, but I have nothing for him.

“Have you asked your daughter what she wants? You just said you chose for her.” I give him a mirthless grin.

His face darkens with rage. “She doesn’t want you, Dante. My Serenity has been through a lot and right now her ability to distinguish the good from the bad is impaired. You need to leave her alone.”

I tilt my head and widen my smile. “That sounds like a threat, Jason Bell. Is it?”

“It is. I won’t see my daughter with fucking scum like you. Fuck knows what you’ve done to corrupt her. Probably to get back at me for doing a better job in the Bratva than you could. You are beneath my daughter. She is too good for scum like you who should know his place. You—”

I don’t give him a chance to finish. My hands go straight to his throat and I ram him into the wall so hard the glass in the window shakes. It’s a wonder how it doesn’t shatter from the impact.

Jason tries to fight back but he won’t stand a chance against my strength. He realizes that quickly, then starts trying to pry my hands away from his neck. That doesn’t work either.

“You fucking asshole. How fucking dare you talk to me like that. I am your superior.” In name only. He spoke to me the way he did because of Igor and the power he’s been given over me. The rage coming out is for everything. what I know and what I don’t. But mostly, because he’s right about Serenity being too good for me. She is. She deserves better than me. I just selfishly wanted her for myself.

“Let… go…” Jason grabs at my hands squeezing the life out of him.

“You’re fucking right your daughteristoo good for me.” I bark in his face. “She’s too good for that prick you’ve chosen for her, too. You think I would ever treat her the way he has by disrespecting her and fucking around town? You better make damn sure you pick someone who deserves her, because you don’t either.”

His face is pale and his lips are turning blue.

Someone grabs my arm and it takes me a moment to realize that I’m being pulled off him by three people. two security guards and Igor. They were screaming at me to stop, but I was so worked up I couldn’t hear them.

I can just about hear them now. They manage to get me off Jason and he slumps to the ground, gasping for air.

“Jesus Christ, boy what the fuck is wrong with you?” Igor glares at me.
