Page 110 of Ruthless Sinner

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“Thought you might say that.” He has the audacity to wink at me. “You can’t say no to me forever, Serenity. On Saturday we’ll be engaged and all of Boston will be talking about our upcoming wedding. Even your father will be expecting you to fuck me.”

What a vile arrogant asshole. “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” That’s my last attempt at strength I don’t feel.

A twinge of a smile lifts the corners of his mouth, then he looks away from me and walks toward the door. He stops and glances at me over his shoulder.

“I do hope you’ll listen to my warning. That way the shit might not hit the fan.”

I harden my stare and he leaves, but I don’t stop staring at the deep, dark grooves in the door when it slams shut.

In my world, theshithasalready hit the fucking fan.

I know I have to tell Dante we were seen together by one of the worst people possible. But that’s not the only thing I’m worried about.

Matthew’s warning about Dante’s intentions has left my soul in a state of flux and I don’t want any of it to be true.



Matthew Bouchard. You fucking piece of shit.

That motherfucker thinks he’s some big shot making demands that Serenity and I stop seeing each other. As if he can tell me what to do. He doesn’t know who the fuck he’s dealing with.

Well, I’ll show him. I’ll teach him a lesson he most assuredly will never forget. When I’m done with him he’ll know to never screw with anyone from the Bratva again.

I walk up the path leading in to the Levitsky Corp building and ball my hand into a tight fist, digging my nails into my palms.

It’s eight p.m. and I've only just gotten Serenity’s messages about him.

I was working at the plant all day, right from when I dropped her off this morning.

Phone signal there is practically nonexistent, so she wouldn’t have been able to reach me. I only got out ten fucking minutes ago.

As I’m meeting with Igor and Jason in a matter of minutes, I was only able to text her back and tell her not to worry. She messaged back and I could tell she was freaked out. I Which is completely understandable. I’ll call her later when I get home and we can talk properly.

We were careful.Iwas careful, but it’s just rotten luck that prick saw us. And him of all the fucking people.

He knew my name, too. I don’t know how to explain that other than that he must know of Jason’s connections to the Bratva. But he obviously didn’t tell Serenity that part.

God knows what else he told her.

As it’s so late in the day, I can only assume that he’s already gotten Jason and filled him in on my involvement with his daughter. Chances are I’ll probably have that to deal with as well.

Hearing about Matthew is the worst thing to happen to me now. I’m already In the fucked up mood and this has added to my rage.

I don't want to be here for this pointless meeting. Igor already made it clear that he was going forward with his decisions to appoint Jason as the CFO and one of the board members whether I wanted to support him or not.

I’m only here because my father would want me to do this. He would never sanction Jason having any involvement in our company, but he would want me to secure our legacy in whatever way I can, even if I’m outvoted.

I make my way into the building and head up to the boardroom where our meeting is scheduled to take place. The door is already open, so I'm assuming that Igor and Jason are already inside.

When I get to the door, I see it’s only Jason in there.

Great, just fucking great.

The asshole is standing the window with his back turned to me and his hands clasped behind him as if he's already in charge of the whole operation.

The sight of him and the air of authority infuriates me to no end and more than ever I want to kill him.
