Page 117 of Ruthless Sinner

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I’m so fucking ashamed of myself for doing this to her, I feel dirty inside and out.

Damn it. Fuck.

This is my fault. All my fucking fault. I should have sent her away last night. Every day that I spent with her was a risk, but after what happened with her father at Levitsky Corp, that was a warning to put a stop to this.

But when I saw her on my doorstep, I wanted her more than I ever did purely because she chose me.Iwas who she wanted.

I was never supposed to be with her. I should have known better and done so.

This fucking situation is the very thing Virgo warned me about.

Now Serenity knows I’m planning to do something to her father and she knows about Virgo too.

Fucking shit.

And look what I’ve done to my beautiful angel. What I’vehadto do.

The sedative I gave her is mild and should wear off in a few hours but it doesn’t excuse the fact that I drugged her to keep her from leaving and raising the alarms. There was no doubt that’s what she was going to do.

Her next stop would have been Jason’s place. Or she would have called him to let him know he’s in trouble.

She doesn’t know what she’s dealing with, so I had to stop her.

But like this…

I’ve shown her the face of the monster and there’s no going back now.

It’s over.

Over from a message she shouldn’t have seen.

My phone must have fallen off the table when I went to get the door last night. That was the last time I had it. When she’d called I was in the middle of messaging Virgo.

I always have my phone with me but I forgot about it be because I was with her.

From the moment I saw Virgo’s message, I knew Serenity read it.

She saw enough from the preview to get the gist of the shit in regard to her father and there no room for confusion. And she would have thought I was using her, which I never did. Not once. There wasn’t anything I took from her, except her.

She was what I wanted. Now I’ve lost her for good.

She’ll never forgive me after this.

But what now?

What the hell do I do now?

My phone rings. It’s Virgo.

Of course with a message like the one he sent he was probably expecting me to call him straightaway.

He has a lead. One I should be overly eager to know.

But my mind is stalling.

I stare at the phone I’ve placed on the bed next to us and contemplate not answering it.

My brain is too much of a mess and I need to figure out what I’m doing with Serenity.
