Page 16 of Ruthless Sinner

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Does she know how many men, women, and children he killed to get that governor position of his?

No. I don’t know her, but I don’t think she does.

She seemed too sweet, too pure, too human. Someone I shouldn’t know. But as the rebel, I had to go ahead and find a way to make things harder for myself.

My first mistake was made the instant I thought it would be a good idea to see the princess in real life.

The next mistake I made was protecting her as if she were mine when I unleashed my rage on that prick who hit her.

If that motherfucker is still alive and he can find his way out of Hockomock Swamp, he won’t come anywhere near my club again. He’ll also count himself lucky that I wasbeing niceby not blowing his head off with my gun right from the outset.

It pissed me right the fuck off when I thought of what could have happened if I didn’t get to Serenity in time.Andthat such a thing could have happened to her in my club.

Ironically, the guard who was supposed to be monitoring that side of the building was fixing the surveillance during that time. As he was doing his job, I couldn’t even punish him. I only got there when I did because unbeknownst to her, I was still watching her.

That was how I caught the idiot watching, too, and I knew from the moment he went through the side door that he was going after her. When I heard her scream, I also knew exactly what he was doing.

It’s over now.

At least it should be, but my attempts to bleed her from my mind have been just as fruitless as my day.

She’s stuck in my head. And still there as I stare out at the crowd.

The ghost of her essence lingers on the dance floor, and the image of her decadent body swaying to the music is engraved in my mind.

I won’t lie. I know I can’t get her out of my head because I want to fuck her, but that would be another mistake Ishouldn’tmake.

Closing my eyes, I fracture her from my mind and make myself move.

I take the last few steps until I’m in the little foyer just outside the office.

As the door is ajar, I can hear Virgo on the phone. It sounds like he’s taking a booking for one of the function rooms.

He glances at me when I walk in and adjusts his phone so he’s balancing it between his neck and shoulder while he scribbles something down on a notepad.

Virgo gives me a clipped nod when I sit in my chair behind the desk opposite his. Moments later, he finishes his call, sets his phone down, and bites the inside of his lip.

“Well, from the pissed-off look on your face, I can tell today didn’t go well,” he says.

“It went to hell.” I rest my elbow on the desk and a hand on my forehead. “I found nothing. Not a goddamn thing. And I’m not sure where to look next.”

He gives me an exasperated sigh. “You might have to consider going to Igor with what you have.”

I shake my head. “No. That won’t work.”

Igor is my uncle—the man I need to ensure I don’t piss off. After my father died, Igor became the new Pakhan of the Zaitsev, the Brotherhood I belong to.

If not for Igor, I would have ended Jason the moment Virgo handed me the truth. But I knew straight away I couldn’t do that. I knew I couldn’t tell Igor the truth either.

Anyone would think I was crazy for not wanting to do so, but I know my uncle. He’s as close to me as my father was, so I know what he’ll do even before he thinks of the idea. That’s how I know he won’t punish Jason.

And that is the crux of my problem.

“Jason Bell is so far up Igor’s ass, nothing will turn his mind against him.” I grit my teeth. “Not even what he did to me.”

“Are you sure?” Virgo narrows his eyes.

“Yes, I’m sure. Jason is important to Igor and his success as a leader. He’s more than just a mouthpiece and now that he’s governor, Jason will be a weapon to gain more power. Not to mention the irritating fact that he’s one of us now.”
