Page 17 of Ruthless Sinner

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The absolute worst thing my uncle could have done was make Jason Obshchak of our Bratva. That is the third arm of the elite division in every brotherhood. It was the position I held before my father died.

Like most brotherhoods in the Bratva, the Zaitsev have always reserved the leadership roles within the family in charge or amongst other trusted men in the brotherhood. It’s certainly not a role an ordinary civilian would have, who isn’t even Russian.

I always knew I would move up to Sovientrik if something were to happen to my father, but I never imagined that Jason, of all the people, would be chosen to take my former position when there were so many others who were far more worthy.

I never saw it coming. I don’t believe the men in the Brotherhood could have preempted it either, or that they’re happy about it. But no one would dare question Igor’s choice because of his power.

I tried, though—of course—only to be given the third degree and reminded of how important Jason is, and basically that I am not.

At the time, as I was talking to Igor from behind a glass window, dressed in my orange prison scrubs, I didn’t exactly have a leg to stand on.

“Which means he’s also valuable to the Creed,” Virgo mutters with disdain.


With my father’s passing, Igor also became the leader of the Creed, which carries substantially more weight than the Bratva.

The Creed is an alliance of twelve crime lords and their subordinates—four from the Bratva, two from the Italian mafia, and two clans each from the Camorra, Irish mafia, and Yakuzza.

Each group has taken a blood oath to live by a set of laws and principles which have bound them as allies for the last fifty years. For twenty of those years, my family has been in leadership. From my grandfather to my father, and now my uncle. The leadership of the Creed goes to the organization with the most wealth. That’s us, and only marginally so because of our other assets and connections. Virgo’s father is the Pakhan for the Kuznetsov Brotherhood. Their family comes in a very close second.

As devastated as Igor was by my father’s death, becoming the leader of the Creed was his chance to shine and be the emperor. He’s even more ruthless when it comes to obtaining power and protecting his empire than my father was. That means he needs to keep people like Jason Bell right under his nose.

“If I tell Igor what we know, he will either do nothing or try to discuss it with Jason, thwarting any chance I have to take matters into my own hands.” I straighten against the chair. “I don’t want to lose the leverage of knowing a secret Jason doesn’t know I’m aware of.”

“I see your point, and I agree, but what now?” Virgo steeples his fingers on the table. “Wehaveto do something.”

I think for a moment on the next step, but all I can see is that red wall of rage before me that’s telling me to kill Jason.

“I want Jason Bell dead, Virgo.” My voice is cold and firm. “That’s what I want. He set me up, and I went to prison. He robbed me of the last few months of my father’s life. He needs to pay with his fucking life.”

Virgo gives me a determined nod. “Well, you have my support.”

As always, I appreciate his readiness to take my back, but I wouldn’t be a friend to him if I didn’t point out the dangers of following me into this plan of mutiny.

“I’m not sure I should get you involved in this.”

Virgo laughs with an edge of menace. “You’re not serious, are you? Thirty years of friendship, yet you’re telling me shit like that? I’m already involved and you’re going to need help.”

“I will definitely need help. I have ten men who answer to me, but the only two I can trust—within reason—are Borya and Levka.” I trust them because they were my father’s personal bodyguards and friends. They are possibly the reason I’m alive today. I can’t trust anyone else like that because it’s clear they answer to Igor.

“Borya and Levka are great at what they do, but they aren’t enough. They also can’t do what I can, so don’t argue with me.” Virgo stares back at me with stern eyes.

“Okay. I appreciate this.”

“I know you do.” He dips his head. “So the big question is this: do you think we can assume that maybe whatever Jason’s reasons were for setting you up have already passed, or not?”

“I’m not sure. He and I have never gotten on. We’ve hardly even been cordial.” Because of my rebellious nature, the asshole always looked at me as if I were scum. I hated that he could and thathe was allowed to. In any other group, he’d already be six feet under, but my father and uncle lifted him on such a high pedestal, Jason saw himself as one of them. I hated more than anything that I fell right into his trap. “Whatever reasons for wanting me gone, he knew exactly what would push my buttons the wrong way.”

“You can’t think like that.”

“But I do. I know I was reckless that night. My actions made it easy for whoever was watching me to get me caught on camera.”

Virgo is silent. A sign he agrees and there is no argument to be had here.

I got caught on a job to eliminate a drug dealer who’d stolen one of our shipments worth half a million. When I learned the guy was a rapist and had been raping and killing girls as young as five and selling them on the black market, I went apeshit on his ass. I killed him the moment I saw him, right in the open. I wasn’t as careful as I usually am. I lost my shit the same way I always do when I come across men like him. It’s been a default reaction for many years because of what happened to my sister.

Jason knew that.
