Page 63 of Ruthless Sinner

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That shuts my bitchy stepmother right down as perfectly as a slam dunk.

Melissa hates any talk of Mom from anyone else because she reallywasbeautiful. My mother was a natural beauty who, unlike Melissa, would’ve embraced ageing with open arms and not turn to botox every week.

My mother always said aging is a privilege many don't have, so I know she would have loved every gray hair to grace her head and every wrinkle that kissed her face.

“Excuse me.” I stand and walk away before Melissa can compose herself and launch another attack.

I need a break from them.

Before I’m even out of earshot, they start to talk about me.

I’m not as big-headed as I sounded. Although people say I’m the spitting image of my mother, I don’t walk around thinking I’m beautiful or better than others because of it.

I make my way into the house and head to the kitchen. A cold drink of water might do the trick of calming me.

I’d planned to stay another hour, but I don’t know if I can.

Just before I reach the kitchen, I hear the guys in the pool room talking. I stop because my name is mentioned and I want to know what they’re saying about me.

“Serenity isn't crazy,” Lawrence says. “She's just been through a lot.”

I'm surprised to hear him speak so kindly about me, but what are they talking about?

I inch closer and conceal myself in the archway so I can see them without them seeing me. There are ten guys inside the room, mainly Lawrence’s friends and three who are Matthew’s.

He is leaning over the pool table, lining up his cue to take his shot. He pauses and gives Lawrence a hard stare. “It's because I'm the one who’s stuck with her why I see what others can’t see. You got the sane sister.”

I grit my teeth. What an asshole. Then again, maybe he’s right. I was the one who wasted time I’ll never get back listening to him talk for the universe.

“Cut her some slack. One of her best friends died.” Lawrence scuffs at him. “That can’t be easy.”

“It's been over a year. She needs to get over it.” Matthew takes the shot. “Unless she has more to feel guilty for.”

“What the hell do you mean?”

“Like many others, I wonder if maybe a little more happened to her that day. Some people wondered if she was drinking. It’s not impossible. The way I hear it, she was always a little weird.”

My limbs turn to stone.

Oh my God. I didn’t just hear that, did I? Is that what some people thought?

I would never drink over the limit and drive. I always take a taxi if I know I’m going to be drinking.

I can’t imagine people talking about me that way after the accident, but I don’t know. I never saw the papers because I was recovering for so long. Dad would have also kept anything like that away from me.

“This is my plan,” Matthew declares. “Bang her a few times and leave her when all the i’s have been dotted and the t’s crossed. Her father promised me the second seat by fall, and he'll put in a good word at Ridley and Co. to the senior partners. He’ll also get his investment with my father. Everybody wins.”

Wow. So, that was his price. I did wonder about that.

I knew it wouldn't have just been his father telling him to marry me for the strength of our businesses. He would've needed something more to keep him interested in this venture of marriage.

And there it is, another guy doing the same thing to me Jared did. Except we’re not a couple.

“At least she’s pretty and has a great body.” Matthew chuckles, and the guys around him join in the laughter. “With my fuck buddies on the side, I could easily survive that for a year, then I’m out.”

“So, you have a date set for the wedding?”

“Practically. Her old man wants us to tie the knot three months after your wedding, bro.” He laughs, and the floor falls from beneath me. “We’ll be signing contracts when Jason returns. He’s already bought the ring.”
