Page 64 of Ruthless Sinner

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Oh God, no. Dad, how could you?

Damn it.This was already a done deal. I never had a choice.

They continue talking, and I realized I've had enough.

I have to go.


The double blow of hearing I have to marry this asshole and that people thought I was drunk when Avery and I had the accident is tearing me apart.

Feeling close to tears, I practically flee, jump into my car, and drive.

The tears come halfway down the road, and I allow them to fall just to take the edge off my soul.

I’ve only been back in Boston for a handful of weeks, and I already want to leave. Coming home for a fresh start to focus on my career has been awful and hard.

Now I feel like my world is spinning out of control.

It's not until I get to the main road that I realize I’m going the wrong way.

The route I’m taking isn’t the way home. It leads to the city.

Thinking of the city brings Dante back to my mind. As if I needed an excuse to think of him. He wasn’t far from my thoughts.

Regardless of what’s happened between us, and what hasn’t happened, he was the only guy who wanted to be with me just for me.

What’s crazy is the man who told me he wasn’t a good man has been the best so far. It hurts me deeply that we ended before we even began.

What we shared was brief enough for most people to forget, or even pretend it never happened. But for me it was intense, and it felt like an eternity.

The car is still driving, taking me forward. I’m getting closer and closer to the city lights, and all I wish is that I could see him again.

I know I shouldn't want to. I’m making everything worse by wishing for this, but is it so wrong to be with a man who makes me feel alive?

Just one last time.


My body takes over, deciding for me that I’m going to try.

It’s the worst idea ever, but I’m doing it.Carpe diem, right, Harper?

I speed along mindlessly to the club and park, and I stop thinking.

I just move, keep walking, until I join tonight’s partygoers in the line.

I wait until I reach the bouncer I saw the other night, the one who didn't know who I was talking about. When he sees me, he recognizes me straight away.

“Hi.” I try to keep the nerves and tremor out of my voice.


“I was wondering if I could speak to Dante.”

He looks me up and down. For a moment, I wonder if he’s going to tell me no. His hesitation makes me think that perhaps he’s been informed to shut me down if I come by asking for Dante, but then he says, “Let me call him and check. It’s Serenity, right?”

“Yes.” I give him a hopeful smile. “Please tell him I’ll just be a minute. I won’t take up too much of his time.”
