Page 166 of Sinner's Obsession

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“I won’t, and Kieran?”


“We’re going to save your woman, but she…she’s…”

“Tell me?” Feed the monster.


“What? Fucking tell me.”

“She’s hurt.”

A bellow explodes from my throat. I will enjoy killing him.

Booted feet stomp all around.Kieran’s here.

My lips turn up into a smile. My heartbeats calm down, and I spring to my feet. I sway, dizzy from the pain in my temples, on my body.

My father yanks the door open and says, “We have to go.”

“It’s Kieran. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“There is still Delaney to deal with, and he won’t let you just leave.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“I’m paying my debts to you and your brother.”

The way he says it, his words have a certain finality.

Smoke fills the floor; how many bullets have been shot to create this fog-like veil?

He opens a door and says, “Stay here.”

After a couple of seconds, I decide I’d rather take my chances than wait. Peeking outside the door, I slide down the wall, picking up a discarded knife. I am almost outside when a hand covers my mouth and I bite it. I turn around, only to come face-to-face with my worst nightmare.

“Now, we don’t want to spoil the surprise for your husband.”

I look around for a way out while his lips part in a maniacal smile. Holding his gaze while my hand conceals the knife from his sight. I don’t even want to think about whose blood is smeared all over the blade.

“You will be my ticket out, but between you and me, I'll kill you either way.”

“Kieran will kill you and I will watch.”

“Your father said the same thing right before I put a bullet through his head.”

He wasn’t a good father, but he was the only one I had. My heart twitches at the news. He yanks me to his side, and my eyes collide with Kieran’s behind his back.

“Don’t take another step,” Delaney says to Cameron, Cato, and Hayden, who point their guns at him.

“I love you,” I mouth, and for one second, his eyes warm, but then the coldness of a killer takes over. Who would have thought the sight would offer me comfort?

“Drop it, or I will shoot her.” Delaney points the gun at my temple. Kieran approaches with the grace of a wildcat. Three more steps and I am free.

“You’re surrounded,” Cam says, looking at me. He sees the knife in my hand and gives a small shake. I wiggle myself from his grip. I am in a half sprint to Kieran when Delaney drags me back and hits me with the back of his gun on the side of my head. Blood spills from it, smearing down my cheek. Kieran lets out a piercing roar.

“Taking my wife was mistake number one. Hurting her was mistake number two. Thinking you will survive is your final mistake.”

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