Page 39 of Stolen Vows

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“I guess so,” I laughed nervously.

“He treats you like a princess,” she exclaimed.

“Yeah,” I answered shyly.

She didn’t know that he also took my panties down and spanked my bare ass when I did something naughty.

“Do you know how rare it is for a man to go down on you and ask for nothing in return? If you weren’t already married to this dude, I’d be the one tellingyouto put a ring on it,” she continued.

“He did pay off Robert’s debt too,” I added.

“Fucking scum. I know it’s bad to speak ill of the dead, but that asshole had it coming for what he did to you,” she scoffed.

“Yeah. I know. I feel like somehow, I got lucky, but a part of me keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, like, why me? Why do I deserve him?”

“Shut up. You deserve the world. I’m going to keep telling you that no matter how many times you question yourself,” she scolded.

“That’s what I keep you around for, gorgeous,” I winked.

“I aim to please,” she grinned, taking a big swig of wine. “Now, I’m going to do you up right, and when you go home, you’ll feel like such a hottie that you won’t be able to resist going and getting a piece of that dick.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. She hopped up off the couch and pulled me towards the kitchen. She refilled our glasses, and I followed her into the bedroom.

“Let me see your dress.”

I scampered back into the other room and grabbed it. I brought it into her room and tossed it on the bed. Impatient, she unzipped it and gasped.

“Yeah. I can work with this. Makeup first though. I wouldn’t want to get anything on this masterpiece,” she grinned.

Soon enough, she’d plopped me down in her makeup chair. She had me face her as she squirted a bit of primer into her hand and blended it all over my face. I followed her instructions as she told me to close my eyes or open them, pretty much whatever she needed me to do so that she could make me over into whatever her heart desired.

I knew she was good. Honestly, she did makeup like an expert. If she ever had the right connections, she’d make it easily as a celebrity makeup artist. When she was done, she wouldn’t let me look in the mirror right away. Instead, she helped me get into the dress while fawning over the pair of Louboutin’s I’d brought to go along with it. It was only when I was fully dressed that she finally let me see my reflection.

“You made me look like a movie star,” I gasped.

“Not just any movie star. Like an actress on an HBO show that you hope you get to see them titties by the end of the night,” she winked suggestively, and I broke into a fit of giggles.

“I can always count on you to hype me up,” I said, shaking my head in mock disapproval. Truthfully, I adored her raunchy humor and I’d miss it if she ever stopped.

“I know,” she shrugged. She started to get ready herself and then paused. “We don’t even need to call an Uber, do we?”

“I’ve got our transportation covered,” I grinned.


She swept through her own makeup and then put on a sensational black and pink nightclub dress. After a little while longer, we made our way downstairs. Victor and Yuri were still waiting for us outside. They opened the doors for us to climb inside the car and Chloe didn’t miss a chance to ogle Victor once again.

“Do you know if he’s single?” she asked, right before he climbed back into the front seat.

“I don’t know,” I said in a hush.

“I’m going to find out at some point tonight,” she smirked.

“You do you, boo,” I laughed.

“I plan on it,” she winked.

Before we knew it, the car drove up in front of Femme Fatale. Victor accompanied us inside. There was a slightly tense moment at the door when security almost stopped him, but Victor shook the man’s hand and I could have sworn I’d seen the green flash of money in his palm, but it had been a bit too quick to be sure that I hadn’t just imagined it.
