Page 43 of Stolen Vows

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With a soft chuckle, I pulled her curtains closed. I went into a nearby room and grabbed several bottles of water as well as some Tylenol, leaving it beside her on her nightstand.

Her morning was probably going to be rough, but I could at least make it a little better.



Ididn’t even have to open my eyes the next morning to know that the light was going to hurt my head. My skull was already pounding. Pressing my hand to my head, I groaned and turned over, trying unsuccessfully to fall back asleep. After another five minutes, I gave up and finally opened my eyes. It was darker in here than I’d expected. I lifted my head and noticed that the curtains were closed. When I eventually managed to turn over to see what time it was, I saw that there were three containers of water next to an extra-strength bottle of Tylenol on my nightstand.

That was sweet.

I reached for one of the bottles of water and sipped it. I groaned and pulled the covers up high enough to cover my face as the things I’d said last night hit me. I’d practically thrown myself at Sergei, and he hadn’t taken the bait. I wasn’t sure if it was because he was trying to be a gentleman and not take advantage of me when I was indisposed like that, or if he just wasn’t attracted to me. I chewed my lip, pushing the blankets aside and reaching for the medicine. I took two and sighed, wondering how I was ever going to live the things I’d said down.

This was all Chloe’s fault.

No, that wasn’t right. All she’d done was egg me on to get what I needed from my husband. This was all my doing, and I knew it.

Would Sergei be upset with me?

Honestly, I wasn’t certain. I drank more water and noticed that it was late morning. There was a gentle knock on the door, and my heart jolted a bit before I cleared my throat.

“Come in,” I called out.

The door opened, bringing with it a bright sliver of light. I flinched and shielded my eyes as I saw Sergei’s big frame pushing in a tray of silver covered platters. I slipped under the covers a little bit, feeling shy.

“Good morning,moya malyshka.”

His voice was calm and gentle, showing no animosity or judgement about my tipsy silliness last night, and I was grateful for that. He rolled the tray in and I scooted over as he sat down on the bed beside me.

“Morning,” I answered a bit warily.

“I hope you slept well, my sweet bride. How’s your head?”

“It’s something,” I murmured, unable to hide how embarrassed I felt.

“You don’t have anything to worry about, babygirl. We’ve all had our drunk nights. You’d laugh if I told you the worst of mine,” he said with a wink.

“You’re not mad?”

“No. Honestly, you were pretty cute last night,” he teased. My cheeks heated, and I turned my head, trying to hide how flustered I felt over the whole thing.

So, he wasn’t going to put me over his knee for it. That offered some sense of relief, but also a very tiny bit of disappointment because I wanted nothing more than to feel his hands on me again.

“The kitchen staff has the day off today. I sent them to town and cooked you breakfast myself,” he reached for me and pulled me against him. He kissed the side of my head, and all the tension racing through me finally faded away. I sighed and curled my arm around him.

“You cooked me breakfast?”

“I did, babygirl. I hope you’re hungry,” he chuckled.

“Maybe I should start with some toast,” I elected, not quite trusting my stomach yet. He lifted one of the covers with a flourish, revealing a basket of biscuits, slices of bread, the works.

“For my lady,” he bowed his head.

“You didn’t have to do all this for me,” I murmured, grabbing a piece of what looked like delicious oatmeal wheat bread and slathering it with honey butter. It was still warm.

“It makes me happy to take care of you, babygirl. Say that again and I’ll have to redden your bottom before you eat your breakfast,” he teased, but I somehow knew that there was a grain of truth to what he was saying.

“I understand,” I blushed harder.
