Page 44 of Stolen Vows

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“Good girl,” he praised, and my pussy clenched fiercely hard.

I took a bite of toast and before I knew it, the whole slice was gone. He uncovered an omelet, a side of bacon and an entire basket of cheesy, greasy home fries that looked like the most delicious thing I’d ever seen. Once he noticed me looking, he grabbed a fork and speared a piece, bringing it to my lips. I opened my mouth and hummed with delight as the tasty, buttery comfort food melted on my tongue.

“Oh wow,” I whispered.

“Those are my favorite too,” he said with a grin.

Slowly, he fed me bites from each plate. The more I ate, the better I felt. I drank another bottle of water and then he poured me a steaming mug of coffee. I moaned after taking my first sip.

“Did you make the coffee too?”

“I did. Do you like it?”

“Very much,” I nodded. I snuggled against him, enjoying the feeling of his arms around me.

“I wanted to talk to you about last night though, babygirl,” he said softly.

“I thought you said you weren’t upset,” I began, stiffening against him.

“I’m not, sweet girl.”

“Then what do you want to talk about?”

“You understand the kind of world I live in. I’m afraid I can’t allow you to go out like that again in the city. It’s too dangerous,” he began. I felt on edge as I pulled away from him, but his arm wound around my waist and kept me in place.

“Everything went just fine. You can’t keep me from my friends!” I spat.

“It’s not my intention to keep you from them, Natasha. I just need to figure out a way to keep you safe first,” he continued.

With a growl, I tensed my jaw. Frustrated, I pushed his arm off of me and climbed out of bed, disappearing into the bathroom. Thankfully, he let me go, but I knew he wouldn’t leave either. He would be there waiting for me in the bed when I came out. I brushed my teeth and tamed the crazy mane that my hair had become, trying to get ahold of myself. I washed the makeup off my face, feeling more and more human with every passing minute. For a few extra seconds, I delayed, trying to figure out my feelings while I had a moment alone.

Just like I knew he would be, he was still there after I came back out.

“I won’t be your prisoner,” I started, my annoyance shining through. There would be no hiding it when it came to something like this.

“You were never my prisoner, babygirl. You’re my wife and that means something very special to me.”

“I don’t know what you want me to say,” I spat.

“This isn’t up for discussion, babygirl,” he answered firmly, and I gritted my teeth. The tension between us had never been thicker, and the words tumbled out of my mouth before I could stop them.

“Fuck you. I never asked for any of this!” I exclaimed.

“Babygirl,” he warned.

It was already too late though. In any marriage, a wife’s word carried just as much weight as her husband’s, and I wasn’t feeling heard. It was as if he held all the power in his hands and I could do nothing but offer him my unquestioning obedience.

I didn’t understand why he was being so rigid about this. He obviously saw that having a life with my friends was important to me, and he was still sticking to his guns on this. Was this some sort of power trip? Did he need to prove to me that he held the upper hand?

“I don’t need you to protect me!” I snarled.

I had something to prove too. I wasn’t a pushover, and this was something I wouldn’t budge on without fully understanding why he was being so obstinate.

“I won’t put you at risk like that again, Natasha. My intention is not to keep you from your friends. If you want to see them again, I will never forbid that. I know they are important to you. You won’t be going out with them again at that club. If you keep pushing the issue, babygirl, I’m going to take off my belt,” he warned, his voice stern.

My pussy tightened reflexively.

I glared at him, my stomach dropping straight to my toes. His expression was every bit as serious as he had sounded. If I kept fighting him, he was going to use his belt on me and there wasn’t any bit of doubt in my mind that I would be bare for every stinging lash.

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