Page 47 of Stolen Vows

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His aim with the belt was impeccable as he descended further down the round curves of my ass. His hand on my lower back kept me still and as much as I wanted to twist and turn to avoid that painful lash, somehow I knew it would be worse if it hit my hips or somewhere else in my struggles. I tugged against the bindings that held my wrists before I even realized what I was doing, and a part of me was thankful he’d thought to tie them up before he started.

From the very first lash, I knew there was no way I’d be able to keep quiet. I didn’t even try. The belt was far too intense for that, and I didn’t yet know how much I was in for. A little part of me knew that it would end when he was good and ready to end it, which probably also meant that my cheeks would be streaked with tears long before it was over.

He paused, and the bonfire that blazed across my bare cheeks only intensified.

“Do I give you rules to try to control you, babygirl?”

“No, sir!” I wailed, trying to contend with the scalding sting as bravely as I could.

“Why do I give you them?”

“To protect me,” I whispered hoarsely.

“Yes, but what else?”

“Because you care about me,” I answered next, sliding my thighs together and squeezing my eyes shut with mortification once I realized how wet they were.

He whipped the belt down once really hard across the center of my cheeks without warning, and I tightened them instantly, overwhelmed with the agonizing sting. The pain sunk deep, and I knew I’d feel that particular lash long after this belting ended.

“Tell me the real reason why. The one and only reason that truly matters, babygirl.”

“Because you love me!” I shrieked.

“I do love you, don’t I?”

“Yes, sir!” I cried out.

The belting started anew, really hammering in the core of the message all across my bare bottom, but also deep into my heart. The belt fell again and again, forcing me to focus on nothing more than his hand holding me down and the stinging fire across my backside. It didn’t take long for him to punish from the tops of my cheeks all the way down to the lower curves of where my ass met my thighs, but he didn’t stop there. He made sure to get the back of my thighs, all the way down to the middle. I had a lot of trouble staying still for those, kicking my feet and twisting as much as his hold allowed, which wasn’t a whole lot. Without warning, he even placed one across the fullest part of each calf which made my eyes water instantly.

My punishment didn’t stop there, either.

When he refocused on my ass, I was already close to tears. Then, several more struck across my thighs and the sting was too much. When the first tear fell, more inevitably followed in its wake. Soon enough, I was sobbing, and the belt was still falling.

“I love you, babygirl. I’m going to give you six more that are going to be harder than all rest, and you’re going to tell me exactly how I feel about you with each one. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, sir!” I wailed.

The first of those six took my breath away. He waited patiently for me to gather myself enough to speak.

“You love me,” I whispered hoarsely.

“That’s mygoodgirl,” he praised, and my heart swelled.

The second lash felt even harder than the first. I sucked in a breath and repeated myself, only to earn his praise once more. Each strike was progressively harder and by the time I’d taken all six, I was sobbing uncontrollably, but I was able to say the words he wanted to hear, the same words I needed to say. When it was all over, he quickly undid his tie and gathered me in his arms.

I threw my arms around his neck and sobbed into his shoulder as he held me.

“I love you, babygirl. Never ever forget that,” he murmured, and I noticed that his own voice shook the tiniest bit.

I hugged him tighter, crying against him. He held me for a long time, as long as I needed, and my tears started drying. My bottom stung fiercely, and he ran his fingertips up and down my spine, comforting me. He kept holding me even after I stopped crying. I began to think that he needed it as much as I did.

When I’d finally come down from the intense exchange between us, I started to focus less and less on how much my bottom stung—and more and more on how much my pussy was burning for his cock. I slid my hand across the hard, muscled expanse of his chest, knowing that the time had finally come to ask for what I’d been struggling to ask him for so long.

I cleared my throat, and he kissed my forehead.

“My husband?” My voice was extremely hesitant, but I knew what I wanted, and all I needed to do to get it was ask him for it.

“What do you need, my beautiful wife?”
