Page 71 of Stolen Vows

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“Sergei and I have come to an agreement about some things. We thought it pertinent to combine our power to deal with you,” Nikolai warned. His eyes had turned practically black as he stared down at the low life. He hated everything this man stood for just as much as I did.

He lowered his gun and gave me a nod. He was leaving this part for me. He knew it was personal.

I pulled out Natasha’s picture from my pocket and held it in front of him. It took him a long second to focus on it, and then his eyes opened wide in recognition.

“I knew she was something to you,” he snarled.

“She’s my wife,” I scowled.

“Your men killed my men. We’re square,” he tried.

“No. It doesn’t work like that, asshole,” I answered.

Nikolai moved to the side, keeping his gun lowered, but I knew he could take Rico out in a second if he had to.

“You tried to kill my wife. I’m not going to give you another chance to do it again.”

He was already trying to formulate a response, but it was too late. I lifted my gun, aimed, and squeezed the trigger.

I showed him no mercy because he deserved none.

It was a clean shot, right between the eyes. In an instant, the light behind his eyes deadened and I turned away, my business here done.

Before we left, Nikolai and I drained the small safe that had been left open in the room. We searched the drawers of Rico’s desk, finding a small bag of gemstones. There was a lot of cocaine and other drugs stored in the room, but we didn’t concern ourselves with that.

By the time we walked downstairs, the club had gone quiet. Our men were waiting for us, Nikolai’s on one side, mine on the other.

“Is everything in place?” I asked.

“Yespakhan,” Victor answered. “Maxim and I worked together to set the charges.”

I glanced over to Nikolai’s underboss, nodding once with respect. On the surface, he seemed like a rigid man, but I could tell he was as loyal as they came.

“The building has already been searched. Any cartel members left alive were dealt with,” Maxim declared.

“Did we have any casualties?” I asked.

“No,’ Victor smirked. “These assholes didn’t see us coming.”

“Good,” I grinned.

“I want everyone out. Engage the timer as soon as the last man is out of the building,” Nikolai commanded.

I bowed my head, allowing Nikolai to take the lead. We were both forces to be reckoned with, but I knew when to keep my head down and when to hold it up high.

This was an alliance worth keeping.

We filed out of the building and returned to our cars. In concert, we pulled away one by one. I looked back in the rear-view mirror, waiting.

In an instant, Femme Fatale imploded in a ball of flames. From a distance, it was hauntingly beautiful, but our true intent was to send a message. The Reznikov and the Lenkov families were a force to be reckoned with.

Our line of cars parted ways, Nikolai returning to his territory within the city, while I sped back home to Lake Forest.

And back to my wife.

Unable to wait, I plucked by phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. She answered on the second ring.

“Are your classes over for the day?”
