Page 24 of Three Wishes

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“Just happy,” I said. I was happy. I’d been waiting for another chance to spend some time alone with Dee and had finally gotten a chance.

“Mind spreading whatever that is around?” he joked as I shot him a grin. “I could use a dose of happiness like that.”

“Nope. Can’t share this time, man. This little bit of happiness is all mine.” Just like I hoped the woman responsible for it would be.


All Mine.



Thatwasthebestlunch I’d ever had. Not only was the food spectacular, but Dee was an absolute delight. We spent forty glorious minutes talking about everything from Amie to sports to work to the game tonight. It was easy to fall under her spell. It was also such a delight to have her so relaxed, so open and friendly. I felt so fucking lucky to get to see the side of herself she often hid from others. The one that made all other women pale in comparison. I could have talked with her for hours. I hadn’t wanted our time together to end, but it had. Fortunately, there was still time to spend together.

After work, I rushed home to freshen up and change. I also informed Amie that our Friday night plans had changed. At first, she wasn’t having it until I mentioned that she and a group of kids were all going to spend a few hours at what Glen had called the “child casino.” As soon as the words left my mouth, she started peppering me for details, followed by a string of delighted squeals about eating pizza and watching the animal band play. An hour later, when I dropped her off in the care of one of the sweetest older women I’d ever met, Amie barely glanced back as she booked it inside.

“She’s in good hands,” another one of the caretakers promised as she patted my arm and told me not to worry. From there, I hitched a ride with Dale, a guy from accounting, Dee, and Glen to the stadium. The others from the office were waiting for us as we reached the entrance.

I hadn’t been to a baseball game in ages. I’d forgotten just how fun they could be. Even though the game often moved at a slow pace, I’d been seated next to Dee and Craig, a guy from the mailroom. Both Dee and Craig knew a lot about the game and kept the conversation flowing as they tossed out jokes, and heckled the other team throughout all nine innings. I couldn’t remember the last time I had so much fun. Dee was in her element and it was a wonder to behold. As was her appetite. Dee was a woman who ate. I always hated it when women picked at their food like a bird because they were worried about how it would affect their appearance. Dee, however, had no such qualms. I easily pretended not to notice as she stole several of my nachos and had to cross my legs to hide my hard-on as I watched her wrap her mouth around two hot dogs, licking her lips after each bite. If she’d gone for a third, I would have been in serious trouble.

“Say, is anyone up for some dinner?” Russell glanced at his watch before asking the group. The game had just ended and we were all getting up to leave. Several cheers and a unanimous yes saw us filing out of the ballpark towards the restrooms. Russell said he’d go ahead and get us a table, while me and everyone but Dee headed off to use the restrooms.

“You like her, don’t you?” Craig asked a few minutes later as I approached the sink to wash my hands.

“Excuse me?” I tried to act like I had no idea what he was talking about, but Craig wasn’t about to let me off the hook.

“I said, ‘You like her.’ Dee. I can tell.”

“Oh? How so?” I didn’t outright deny it.

“The way you hang on her every word, and if you don’t mind me saying, the hungry way you watched her devour those hot dogs was a dead giveaway.”

“Was it that obvious?” I don’t know why, but I felt like a fool. Pining after a woman who may or may not ever give me a chance. Even with the progress we’d made.

“It was, and if you also don’t mind me saying, I think the feeling is mutual.”

I perked up and met his eyes through the mirror. “You think she likes me?” Hope sparked like a lit match inside my chest.

“I’d bet money that she does.” Craig paused for a half-beat before adding, “But you’re going to have to be patient with her. I don’t know how much you know about what she went through, but that dickhead she was dating really did a number on her. Just ripped the rug right out from under her with no warning, no notice. It devastated her, but she'll do her best not to show it.”

“I heard she took it hard.” How could I not? It was still a popular topic around the water cooler.

“Hard isn't the word. Between you and me, I don’t think it was so much losing the dude. He had sons, you see. Two boys who Dee was really close to. When he left, he cut off all contact and she’s not been the same since. I’ve known Dee for a long time. We all grew up together. She’s always wanted kids, but never had any of her own. And before you ask, the why is for her to tell you, not me. Dee always treated those boys like her own. Their birth mama isn’t so good, you see, but Dee really stepped up to the plate and for all intents and purposes, shewastheir mother.”

“So, for her, it feels like she’s had her kids taken from her? That’s why she gets this sad, faraway look in her eyes sometimes. She’s been grieving the loss of her children.” Knowing all that certainly explained a lot.

“That’s exactly it. That’s why you’ve got to go slow with her and be patient. She’s still working through some stuff, and I wouldn’t blame her if she’s scared to take a chance on love again. It’s hard to trust when you get burned that bad. You've also got to understand what it’s been like for her.”

“What do you mean?”

“Dee always had a hard time with the opposite sex growing up. She was always so strong and confident, and you know a lot of young, stupid guys are intimidated by that.”

“Not me,” I said. “I love that about her.”

“That’s good. It’s what she deserves.”

“But she’s still wounded and it doesn’t all come from one place.” He met my eye in the mirror and gave me a single nod. Craig then finished washing up before reaching over and grabbing a paper towel to dry his hands. “I’m glad we had this talk. If you need someone to talk to or just need some advice, you know where to find me.”

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