Page 26 of Three Wishes

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“We saw Dee, Dad!” Nathan answered while Daniel shifted to where he was partially hidden behind my leg. “Our Dee was here!”

“That’s no excuse. You should have told me so I could walk over with you.”

“We’re sorry, Daddy.”

“Yeah, we won’t do it again.”

“Okay, you just remember that from now on, okay?” The boys both nodded. Dennis hesitated briefly before getting to his feet. Huffing out a heavy breath, he ran his long fingers through his hair before breathing in again. “How have you been, Dee?” Dennis stood awkward. I wondered if being face-to-face made him uncomfortable? It should. A little remorse wouldn’t hurt either. “We haven’t talked in months. I heard you got a new job with Casey’s dad. Do you like it? Are you . . . happy . . . there?”

I was about to ask Dennis why he cared but didn't because the boys were watching. The last thing I wanted them to see was us fighting. Instead, I shifted gears. I was about to ask if we could speak alone for a moment, but didn't because I knew Diane would throw a hissy fit if I did. Sensing that I had something serious I wanted to discuss with him, Dennis reached out to touch my arm. I froze because the last thing I wanted were his hands on me.

“Dee?” Travis growl pierced through my frozen state. A second later, his strong arm slipped around my waist, pulling me flush against his strong, hard body. I remained where I was instead of trying to slip out of his grip. Yes, the man drove me bonkers. He was as irritating as a nettle rash, but was I glad he chose this exact moment to show up? You bet Travis’s sweet ass I was. And what a sweet ass it was, too.

“Travis,” I greeted him with a smile. I looked up and met his dark, concerned brown eyes. Ones that told me whatever happened, it everything was going to be okay. “Travis, this is my ex, Dennis. The one I told you about.”

“Oh.” Travis put on his ‘you-can’t-intimidate-me’ lawyer face and held his hand out for Dennis to shake. “Pleasure to meet you. Travis McDaniel.”

“Dennis Koontz.” My former boyfriend accepted Travis’ hand while his current girlfriend eyed him like she was seconds away from mounting right here in front of everyone.

“Eh, hmm.” Diane cleared her throat, deciding that less than two seconds was far too long to introduce her. God forbid she wasn't the center of attention!

“Oh, right. Sorry.” I gave her my fakest smile. “Trav, this is Dennis’ girlfriend, Diane Shit.” I intentionally butchered her name. The boys busted out laughing at my faux pas while Diane fumed. “Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to say that. I meant Schmidt! Her name is Diane Schmidt.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Travis added, barely holding back a laugh at my intentional oopsie. I was too busy trying to avoid Diane’s venomous glare to notice Dennis’ lack of a reaction. I did, however, notice something that intrigued me. Even though he’d shaken Dennis’ hand, Travis refused to shake Diane’s.



That wasn’t what I expected. In fact, I expected my co-worker to do what he always did. Take the polite road and accept her hand. I also totally expected her to one up the handshake and grab Travis' dick in front of God and country. Only, that’s not what happened.

There, surrounded by the mass of Cubs’ fans, Travis stepped out of her reach. He then wrapped his arm back around my waist and pulled right against his long, lean, hard athletic body. One touch shot an electric zip straight down my spine. right to my hoohah, creating tingles where I hadn’t ever truly felt tingles before.


I heaved out a heavy breath. I blown away how one touch had me on the verge of orgasm. How was that even possible? My breath increased, as did my pulse. My face blazed and my heart beat like a stampede, and despite my declaration to not let Travis affect me, he did. Boy, did he ever.

No man had ever left me panting and dripping at the same time. Not even the man standing across from us. Travis’ hand dipped lower, settling in between my shirt and my bare skin. He stroked his fingers in lazy circles that had me fighting to keep my eyes from rolling into the back of my head. His hands were absolute magic. His touch, divine. I was sweaty and close to singing the Hallelujah chorus because his fingers felt too good and I wanted more.

Diane cleared her throat. Her eyes flashed with jealousy as Travis kept softly stroking my skin. Dennis, however, was the complete opposite. Dennis looked uncomfortable, shifting back forth on his feet while his cheeks rose with a high red. A clear sign he was frustrated and angry, but also afraid to speak up. It’s not like he had the right. He’d lost that when he let me go.

The four of us stood there awkwardly. Well, not awkwardly. Travis simply grinned as his fingers continued to make love to my hip. I, on the other hand, was a quivering mess and desperately in need of a new pair of undies. Just the soft brushing of his fingertips created a flood that I’d never experienced before. I should have been embarrassed, but I wasn't. Travis felt too good for me to give a shit.

“Well—” Dennis finally broke the silence only to have Diane cut him off.

“Wait! Don’t I know you?” Her shit brown eyes narrowed as they checked Travis out. A second later, her hands flew to her cheeks and she screeched out, “OH MY GOD! You’re Travis MacDaniel! You're the running back for Detroit!” Diane’s scream was so loud several people turned our way. I was surprised that somewhere dogs weren’t howling.

“Iusedto play football,” Travis clarified. “But I retired and left that all behind. Dee and I work together now.”

“Oh, you’re just coworkers? You’re not dating?” Diane dug for information. The covetous tramp. There was no doubt she’d dump Dennis in a heartbeat if Travis gave her the slightest inkling that he was interested.

“Oh, we’redefinitelyseeing each other. That was some lunch earlier, wasn’t it, baby?” Travis teased softly. He looked me right in the eye and flashed me the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. My heartbeat ticked up and my knees went weak as those decadent browns dropped to my mouth before reluctantly tearing themselves away to turn back to Dennis and the slag. “Meeting Dee was the best thing ever to happen to me. She’s such an incredible woman. Someone would have to be a complete idiot to let her go.”

Score one for Travis, and it was nothing but net.

“You’re so sweet.” I decided to go along with whatever he was playing at because frankly, Dennis deserved it. I also wanted to high-five Travis, but didn’t. In the moments since he’d reappeared, all he’d done was focus on me, give Diane the brush off, and politely called Dennis out.

“No, baby,” he whispered as he leaned down and pretended to nuzzle the skin behind my ear. “You’retoo sweet.” The dude slowly licked his lips as he eyed me hungrily. “Have I told you lately how much I love how you taste? How I’m so goddamned lucky that I get to call you mine?”

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