Page 47 of Three Wishes

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“It’s okay, Pumpkin. I’ve got you. I won’t let her take you.” I promised, meaning every single word. Tami rolled her eyes and scoffed through her nose, eyeing me like she was the victim in all this. I stared right back, ready to do what I had to. This bitch could try and try to take my little girl from me, and each time she’d fail. I wasneverletting Amie go. God Himself could try to take her from me, but I’d fight him with everything I had. And I’d win.

“What’s going on?” someone shouted behind me. Turning back, I spotted a small pack of women and a few men headed our way..

“This bitch kidnapped my daughter!” Tami wailed as she turned on the theatrics and pointed a long, stilettoed nail at me.

“Liar!” I shouted fiercely.

“I’m not a liar! You kidnapped my child!”

“Why don’t we ask Travis about that when he gets back!” I challenged.

Tami’s eyes narrowed as she breathed heavily out through her nose. Her fists clenched at her sides as she simmered with barely bridled fury.

“What’s going on?”

“This bitch is trying to take my daughter!” Tami cried.

Tiny little explosions went off inside my brain and I lost it. “More like I’m trying to protect her from you!” I roared back.

“Why would myownchild need protection from me? I’m her loving mother.”

“Because you’re trying to blackmail her dad!” I admitted.

“That’s ridiculous! Blackmail for my own child?”

“What was it you wanted?” I eyed her with my bad-ass bitch lawyer stare. “Oh, that’s right? A million dollars. You told Travis you’d sign over your parental rights in exchange for a million dollars.”

Tami visibly blanched but continued to glare.

“You what?” An angry woman shrieked nearby.

“That poor baby!” Another chimed in.

“What the hell kind of mother would do that?” A man this time.

“Yeah, lady? What the hell?” Several more added to the mix. Then, as if sent by the gods, a young, blonde woman slipped through a break in the crowd.

“Hey, wait!” she said excitedly. “I know you! You were on Daily Gossip News! You’re the lady who got busted for cocaine in Mexico with that washed up rockstar. You used to be married to that running back with the giant cock!”

Tami’s eyes went wide. Being outed by a total stranger apparently had not been on her bingo card today. It took everything in me not to smile and gloat.

“What the hell is going on here?” Travis’s sonic boom blasted over the gathered crowd. Everyone turned to watch him storm towards us. He was at my side before I could blink and pulled Amie into his arms.

“It’s okay, Pumpkin.” He cupped the back of her small head and pressed a tender, comforting kiss to her temple. Amie sobbed against his neck uncontrollably. “Daddy’s here. Daddy’s here and Dee’s here. We won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Mommy’s mean! Amie tucked her head into the crook of his neck and wailed. “M . . . Mu . . . Mommy hates me!” Amie’s wail broke my heart. “Mommy doesn’t love me! She tried to grab-bed me and called me a buh . . . buh—”

“She called her a brat,” I half-whispered as I stole a glance up at him. “She called her a brat right to her face.”

The easy-going, relaxed man from earlier transformed into a pissed off, raging bull. Travis’s eyes over to where his ex-wife stood. Tami withered under his intense stare, shifting from foot to foot as she attempted to talk her way out of this.

“They’ve got it all wrong. I wasn’t trying to take her. I just wanted to see her. I . . . I missed her. That’s all! I just wanted to spend some time with her, but this bitch tried to keep my child from me!” She attempted to lie, but the crowd immediately had my back.

“Bullshit!” An older woman with short silver-gray hair positioned herself beside me and slung a protective arm over my shoulders. “I heard every word you said, you hussy! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“Oh, shut up, you old hag!” Tami clapped back, full of condescension. “How do I know she’s not paying you to say that?”

A sarcastic laugh tore out of me. “Really?” I scoffed incredulously. “How the hell could I pay this woman when I had no idea you were going to show up?” Apparently Tami hadn’t thought of that. I watched her face morph as she tried yet again to find an excuse that made her look like the innocent party here.
