Page 53 of Three Wishes

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I did everything I possibly could to keep from grinning. I also wanted to cry.

“I realized too late that I didn’t just end our relationship,” he motioned between us. “I also ended the one you shared with the boys. I didn’t realize— I thought I was giving them a better life. But I wasn’t. All I did was ruin everything.”

“I never meant to hurt you,” he choked out as he gripped his cup between his hands. “I—I really didn’t. It’s just, she was everything I thought I wanted. I thought she really liked me, but it was all bull. All her sweet words, the flirting and flattering my ego was because of money. Somehow, she found out about the inheritance I got from my father. When she asked me about it, I told her that I’d had it placed in trust for the boys so they had money for college or whatever they planned to do.” I listened as Dennis explained how Diane had completely lost it on him. Berserk was his exact word.

“She demanded I revoke the trust and transfer the money to an account in both our names because it would ‘prove’ to her that I was worthy of her trust.”

“What a bitch!” I spat. “Honestly, Dennis? What did you see in her? And don’t say it was her sweet-natured personality, because we both know that’s not true.”

Dennis slumped inwardly. He looked like a hollowed out shell of the man I had once loved. “She was new. Being with her was . . . exciting. She hung on my every word. It . . .” he paused. “. . . it was like she didn’t justwantme, but sheneededme. That’s something I never felt with you. I never felt like youneededme. You’re so goddamned independent and so capable of taking care of yourself, that it made me—”

“Don’t you dare try to blame me for that, Dennis!” The hair rose on the back of my neck as my hackles rose. “I’m not the reason you chose her over me! When people cheat, it isneverabout the person who was cheated on. How can you sit there and say that you never felt like I needed you? What about all those bad days when you would run a hot bath, give me a glass of wine, and just hold me? What about when I lost that big case against that PR group? Don’t you remember how you told me that it was okay if I lost? That it didn’t mean I was less of an attorney. What about when my dad died? I wouldn’t have gotten through it if it wasn’t for you.”

“I forgot about all that, Dee. When Diane came along, it was like everything we’d ever been through flitted out of my brain. I was blinded. I—I don’t know what I was thinking.” He buried his hands in his hair and stared down at the tabletop. “What the hell have I done? I ruined everything!”

The urge to hug him was strong, but I held back because I didn’t want Dennis to get the wrong impression. I also didn’t want to do anything that would betray Travis’s trust. I already knew he wouldn’t like Dennis being in my house, especially alone, but I wouldn’t keep it from him. As soon as Dennis left, the first thing I’d do was call him and explain what went down. Instead of consoling him, I patted Dennis’s back a few times.

Dennis finally looked up. His eyes met mine and I knew. Even though I’d once thought I loved this man more than I thought possible, I never loved him like I loved Travis. Travis got me in ways Dennis never did. Most of all, Travis never felt threatened by my independence or my strong will. He found it sexy and encouraged me to be myself.

“I’m so sorry, Dee,” Dennis apologized. “I’m so sorry for everything I put you through. I hate myself for thinking only of myself. I thought I was doing what was best for them, but I wasn’t. I let my ego take the reins and now look at what I’ve done? I’ve got one helluva mess to clean up. What the hell am I going to do?”

“You can always move back, Dennis,” I said calmly. I dropped my hand from his shoulder and let it rest upon my lap. “I know old boss Tony will give you your old job back in a heartbeat. It’s no secret that they were left scrambling when you decided to transfer.”

“I guess good architects are hard to come by,” he joked before briefly falling silent again.

“They are, Dennis. Especially ones as talented as you.”

“Do you really think Tony would let me transfer back?”

“I know he would. When I saw him the other day at The Brass Bean, he asked me if you’d ever consider moving back. Apparently a lot of the clients have requested you and are pissed that you’re gone. You’re kinda in-demand.”

Hopeful, Dennis’s eyes lit up. “I should probably give him a call then,” my ex said as he got up from the table. “I don’t think I can ever apologize enough for what I put you through. I’m sorry I humiliated you. I’m sorry I ripped the boys away. And I’m sorry for how I acted at the ballgame. I don’t think Travis is a bad guy. I could tell how much he liked you. It—I was just jealous that he had what I once had.”

“I know.”

“I’m sorry if I ruined your big moment.” I smiled and told him it was okay.

“It’s okay. I’m happy. He makes me happy.”

“I’m glad you’re happy. You deserve to be with someone who loves every part of you.”

“So do you, Dennis, and I know that she’s out there somewhere waiting for you. Hey! Maybe that teacher at Daniel’s school is still interested?” I spoke of the sweet-natured teacher whose classroom was next to Daniel’s old one. The woman was absolutely smitten with Dennis. That’s why she’d always been cold to me whenever I picked up Daniel from school.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Dennis’s mouth crooked up with the beginning of a smile as he pushed his chair in. I got to my feet and came around to where he stood. I was happy we’d cleared the air. There was one thing I needed to know though before the dust was considered settled.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he said and looked at me as if he could read my mind.

“Oh? What am I thinking?”

“You’re wondering about the boys.”

The man nailed exactly what had been on my mind.

“As soon as we move back, we’ll get together and discuss an arrangement for you to see them. After all, you’re the only mother they’ve ever known. I took them away from you once. I won’t ever do it again.”

My vision blurred. Having Nathan and Daniel back in my life was what I’d hoped for and now, Dennis was rectifying that mistake.

“I’ll text you and keep you updated,” he said. “Your boyfriend isn’t going to get mad if I talk to you, is he?”
