Page 60 of Three Wishes

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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

My eyes went wide as saucers as fury flared in my gut.

“TY?” I screamed angrily, shocked to my core to see him here.

“Runa?” His eyes bulged out in shock. “Runa, what are you doing here?”

I shook my head instead of answering. I couldn’t believe this. I just couldn’t fucking believe it.

Ty Taylor.

Fucking Tyler Lawrence Taylor.

The guy I have my heart to (amongst other things) in college. The guyI hadn't heard a word from after he suddenly dropped out of college. The asshole who’d broken me, but had left me with the best piece of himself. Our son.

The sonofabitch! Of all the places in the world, what in the hell was he doing here?

“Do you two know each other?” Jason asked, apparently too observant for his own good.

“You could say that,” Ty said as I bit out, “No, we don’t.” I glared at Ty, daring him to say something while he gazed back at me, his stupid gorgeous eyes dancing with amusement.

UGH! The asshole!

“By the way you’re glaring at him, I think you two know each other.”

“She’s the girl who broke my heart in college,” Ty said smoothly, betraying no emotion whatsoever except for maybe derision.

“I don’t think so!” I spat. “He’s the asshole who was too chicken to break up with his college girlfriend to her face and decided dropping out of schoolwithoutan explanation was the better option.”

Ty’s jaw ticked as I shot him with both barrels. Inwardly, I laughed, knowing I’d gotten a reaction out of that cool, seemingly unbreakable facade. “No, I was the guy who—” he went to defend himself, but I’d had enough. I wasn’t about to stand here and listen to his lies. He knew what he’d done. He could fool the others, but he’d never fool me. Not ever again. I’d learned that lesson the hard way. Nine years ago, I loved him with everything I had. Now, I hated him. For what he’d done and how he’d left me a devastated, alone nineteen-year-old who just happened to be carrying his baby.

“Save your lies for someone who might believe them!” I snapped and turned away from him. Not wanting to give him any room to continue, I thanked Casey and Jason for a lovely evening and stormed my ass out of the club.

“Wait!” I heard Ty shout after me, but I was a woman on a mission. I was leaving this club and I was never coming back. Ty Taylor had decided to leave my life almost a decade ago and I wasn’t about to let him back into it. Even if he had no idea that we shared a child. He’d lost that right when he walked away without a word and I’d be damned if I ever gave him another chance. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
