Page 43 of That One Night

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Without hesitating, Lucas pulled something from his pocket and dropped down to one knee.

“What are you doing?” I asked as my hand flew to my mouth with surprise.

“Ariel Marie Grainger,” Lucas began as he presented me with a small, black velvet jewelry box. “Meeting you changed my life for the better. Losing you made me realize that I have no life without you in it. I love you. You are my soulmate. The partner I want at my side as we walk through this wonderful, crazy experience that we call life. Will you make me the happiest man on the planet? Will you marry me?”

My vision blurred as I broke out in loud, heaving, deliriously happy sobs.

“Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.” I barely managed to get out before Lucas slipped a platinum band cradling a solitaire emerald-cut diamond onto my left ring finger. A squeal pierced the air, followed by a round of cheerful applause. Glancing over, I saw my faithful crew crying, clapping, and cheering. Unable to hold myself back, I threw myself back into Lucas’s arms and kissed the shit out of him.

“Are you truly happy?” Lucas asked as he leaned his forehead against mine.

“Ridiculously,” I cried, overcome by the immensity of this day.

“Good. I don’t know what I’d do if you’d said no.”

“That is something that you don’t ever have to worry about. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Lucas Reynolds.”

“And I with you, soon-to-be Ariel Grainger-Reynolds.”

“Oh my god! I’ve got to call Lou! We’ve got an engagement party to plan.” I heard Vivian shout before I heard her rush off to the back.

I couldn’t help but laugh as Lucas tightened his hold on me.

“I love you, Ariel.” He dipped his head down and brushed his soft lips over mine.

“I love you too, Lucas.” I couldn’t stop the rush of tears that wet my cheeks or how my heart pounded against my chest.

Today was the greatest day of my life. I had never been so happy as I was in that moment and I had Lucas to thank. Finally, the universe had cut me a break and handed me all that I wanted on a silver platter. I’d never want for anything again as long as he was with me.

“Are you ready?” Lucas asked after another slow, but passionate kiss.

“Ready for what?”

“Apartment hunting. What else? We need a place to live, don’t we?”

“But I’ve got work—”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll hold down the fort. You go and do your thing.” Vivian shouted from the back, silencing me before I had a chance to speak.

“I guess that means that you’re all mine for the day.”

“And all the days that follow.”

Stepping away to get my purse, I rejoined Lucas at the door. Taking my hand in his, he raised it to his lips before we stepped outside, placing the proverbial pen to the proverbial page as we began writing the next chapter of our lives.



Final-Six Months After the Wedding That Wasn't Meant to Be

“Areyouhungry?”Lukeasked as he nuzzled my neck. We’d been sitting out on his balcony, overlooking the city and its splendor. It was just after the new year. The air was close to freezing but the blazing fire pit, as well as several fleece blankets kept us warm. Perched on one of the plush-cushioned outdoor loungers, Lucas’s arms rested comfortably around me while I leaned into the sturdy, solid security of his chest.

“Not really,” I said honestly. “In fact, I’m a little queasy.”

Luke sat up abruptly, pulling me with him as his face went stony with concern. “Are you feeling okay? Was it something we ate?” His hand immediately went to my forehead to feel for a temperature. “You’re not coming down with anything are you?”

His fears were legitimate. We were days away from our wedding and even though he had yet to say something, I knew that he was worried that something would go wrong. Lucas had nothing to fear though. Our wedding planner extraordinaire, his brother-in-law Martin, would murder the person who even dared to think of ruining our wedding. He’d casually mentioned several times that if anyone tried to fuck this wedding up, he’d chop them into pieces and feed them to pigs. I had no reason to doubt him. I also had no reason to doubt that the over-the-top wedding he’d planned—even though Lucas and I wanted something small—would go off without a hitch.
