Page 15 of Healing Kiss

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She stopped at the sliding glass doors, waiting for him to catch up. Loneliness was no excuse for stupidity. She would not allow the momentary lapse in judgment to repeat itself. A single mistake could harm everyone she’d worked so hard to protect over the last two years. And it could get Tristan killed.

She just had to keep reminding herself.


Oh, Lordy.

Lillian avoided looking at Tristan as they entered Hannah’s room. What madness had she unleashed when she’d asked for his help to save her sister?

“How is she? Any change?” Lillian asked the night nurse on duty.

“Pretty much the same,” the nurse said, eyes widening when she spied Tristan. “She seems to have adjusted as well as can be expected. Her body can focus on healing. We’ll evaluate her for the next forty-eight hours to watch for improvement. If so, the doctor will make a decision about whether we can remove the ventilator. My shift is ending, but the next nurse is taking over. Maryanne. She’s great.”

“Okay, thanks…this is Tristan,” Lillian added when she noticed the nurse’s gaze pointed his way. “Tristan, this is Dani, one of Hannah’s nurses.”

Tristan held out a hand to Dani, who shook it as if she were in a trance.

“Are you Tristan King? My son loves your video games.Gladstoneis his favorite.”

Tristan nodded. “That’s a great game. Listen, is there a doctor on duty? I’d like to speak with them.”

Lillian appreciated how he didn’t make a fuss but stayed focused on Hannah.

“Oh, yes. Dr. Beyton should be here soon. I’ll be sure to tell him.”

He nodded, seeming to take the nurse’s admiration in stride, and followed Lillian to the single bed where Hannah lay propped against a pillow, eyes closed, her dark hair spread around her oval face. Tubes and cords ran from her mouth to the large machine at her bedside, which breathed for her. A small bandage covered her nose.

Blood thrummed through Lillian’s veins, pounding at the gates of her heart.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

She avoided looking at Tristan, who stood next to her, and curled her fingers into her palms to keep herself from nervous chatter. She’d already talked to him more than she’d talked to anyone in a long while. Less than twenty-four hours in his company, and she’d run a gamut of emotions, from fear to sorrow to embarrassment to…to attraction.

Mercy.Was it hot in here or what?

She forced her fingers open one by one. She’d never be able to cure Hannah while wound tight like this. She drew in air and let it out—another desperate bid to relax. It wasn’t working.

She should have kept quiet on the way to the hospital. Talking with Tristan had only increased her curiosity and reminded her of all she was missing in her life. And his close proximity had her so on edge, she was unable to think clearly or even breathe. He was all warm musky male and mint and power.

She trembled, barely managing to conceal it by grabbing her purse and pretending to search for something. Her hand tightened around the tin of mints at the same time Tristan spoke, breaking the silence.

“What now?”

She pulled the tin from her purse, popped it open, and ate a mint before tilting the box toward Tristan, who refused. She put the box back in her purse. Tristan tossed her a puzzled look. “Do you want to try and wake her so she knows I’m here?”

She dug in her purse for a tissue. “Yes, in a moment.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I’m thinking.”

“You’re stalling. What do you need me to do? I thought you would let her know I’m here at least. How will this work otherwise?”

She avoided his penetrating gaze. If she had any hope of curing Hannah, then she needed to distance herself from him for a moment. Because she certainly couldn’t absorb his energy all keyed up like she was.

“Stand over there.” She pointed across the room.

“By the door?”
