Page 14 of Healing Kiss

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She turned to look out the window, oddly chastened. Silence was better than conversation, anyway.

Tristan cleared his throat. “There is no one else. My father left my mom when I was a toddler—I haven’t seen him since.”

She looked at him, but he was staring at the road. “No siblings?”

“No. I…I had a stepdad once upon a time, an alcoholic. It’s been years since I’ve seen him.

“I’m sorry. It’s good you have a caretaker, then. What was her name…Nancy, you said?”


“I’m sure Nancy will take good care of your mom.” So, he was an only child who didn’t have a father or any other family in his life—no wonder he was so attached to his mom. At least Lillian had a sister and a dad and plenty of aunts and uncles and cousins she used to see around the holidays.

She searched for something else to say to break the awkward silence. “No girlfriends to ruin your most-eligible-bachelor status?” She managed a smile, even though inside she cringed at the question. Was that the only thing she could come up with? If he had a girlfriend, wouldn’t he be taking her to the fundraiser instead of railroading Lillian to be his date?

“Not really.”

Not really?Their gazes collided for a millisecond, tripling her heartbeat, before he looked back at the road. Lillian’s stomach squirmed, but she refused to analyze the sensation, putting it down to the fear and panic occupying her brain for the past twenty-four hours.

She busied herself digging in her purse for a canister of mints and popping one in her mouth. She offered him a mint, which he took. It shouldn’t be any surprise Tristan had a someone…maybe a few someones. He was a virile male. And he was successful and rich. It was naïve to think he wouldn’t have one or more women in his life. Probably that Angelina chick, although Tristan seemed to want to avoid her.

She stilled her hands in her lap. What would those someones think of her and Tristan’s current arrangement? For the second time tonight, she found herself reaching to touch him.

“Tristan, when I asked for your help, I didn’t think how this might complicate your life. I didn’t mean to put you in an awkward position with…anyone.”

He had pulled into the hospital parking lot, hitting what looked like a turn signal to put the car in park. He shifted toward her, his intense blue eyes reflecting sincerity and something more. Something that sent a strange tingle through her. Power flooded her senses, shooting a chill up her arms.

“You didn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do. I’m glad you asked for my help. Those important to me will understand.”

He piqued her curiosity. Who were these important girlfriends? Were they models, actresses, neighbors…fellow billionaires?

”Are you certain? I wouldn’t think any girlfriends would be happy at the thought of you shacking up with a strange woman.”

One side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile. “Ah, but we’re not strangers anymore, are we, Zoey? I hope we can be friends.”

Her heart stuttered, stopping and then resuming its frantic beating in her chest. A few words from Tristan and a simple touch had her longing for something she could never have.Get a grip, Lillian.She wasn’t here to make friends. Not if she hoped to save Hannah and keep all of them safe.

She pulled her hand from his. “We’re…we’re acquaintances.” She unlatched her seatbelt and grabbed for the door handle.

His fingers grazed her arm, and she turned to look at him. It was happening again—the mesmerizing feeling of being trapped in a fairy tale. The temperature rose a notch, and her skin prickled. The rich scent of his breezy cologne filled the space between them.

“You’re shivering. Are you cold?”

“Yes,” she lied.

He removed his leather jacket and handed it to her. “Here, wear this.”

She didn’t need the jacket, but she took it anyway. She busied herself putting it on under his watchful gaze, wrapping herself in the warm leather and breathing in his scent like he’d wrapped her in his arms. She swallowed and clutched her purse. “Are you ready?”

He smiled, and the heat in his gaze could have softened diamonds. “Yes.” He leaned toward her and unhooked her seatbelt, his warm breath carrying a hint of wintergreen mint.

She fumbled for the button on the door and managed to push it open and stumble out of the car. Then she strode toward the hospital entrance, not waiting to see if he followed.

What the hell had just happened in there? Why was she trembling? And dammit, why had she asked him if he had a girlfriend or not? It was none of her business. The date they would have tomorrow was a pretend date—meant to repay a debt, nothing more.

She could hear Tristan’s footsteps close behind. A shiver coursed through her, starting at her scalp and ending in her toes.

Oh, for the love of God, she was attracted to him. She could admit it to herself even though it pained her. She was worried for Hannah, and she was lonely. It had been two long years since she’d had an extended conversation with any person, let alone a man as dynamic and handsome as Tristan. That could be the only explanation for her loose lips and sudden heart palpitations.
